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In 6th grade I made a new friends, because I moved into a new school. I made two great friends, the two people they were friends and the one girl (my bully) got jealous and started teasing me. saying I was stupid, worth less, ugly, fat, a whore ect. the other friend didn't do anything to stop her. I tried to ignore her so then my friend got a BF tht hated me so he would also tease me texting me saying to kill myself almost every single day. Soon everyone caught on to the teasing, my BF realized they were right and started calling me those things. I would get many letters in my desk saying "your worthless go away you piece of shit." I would come home crying, screaming, trying to let the pain out but nothing worked. my bestfriend didn't really notice that this was happening so I just ignored it. I didn't tell anyone because I was too scared to say anything. in the summer my bestfriend said she can't be friends with me bc I'm a very bad kid. (I wasnt) I cried for days. my old friend (the bully) told me that I have no reason to live now, I should just kill myself. I took her word and had a failed attempt of killing my self. yes, at 11 years old I had a failed attempt at suicide. For the rest of the summer I stayed in my room and did nothing. I refused to eat anything because I thought I was fat. my mom would always scream at me and sometimes wouldn't feed me. in 7th grade I didn't talk to anyone until my old friend (not the bully) said she's sorry and missed me. still I cry over the situation. I still feel suicidal because of the same girl tht still teases me and says to kill myself. my mom hates me and I cry myself to sleep every night because of her. I fucking hate myself. 

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