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2nd grade. I had moved to a new school and new town. I was only little and my last life was perfect. I made two great friends and most of the kids loved me. Bully 1 was the first girl who'd ever get up enough nerve to pick on the little blondie in the front row.

I'd cry at school, she'd call me weak and then the whole class would laugh at me for the rest of the day.

The very first time she bullied me was when I didn't finish as many maths questions as the rest of the class. She would say, very loudly, "Oooh *my name* didn't do as much."

"You suck!" And she teased me over and over, I cried and everyone laughed. I felt worthless and stupid. The worst part was that her mother was friends with my mother and so I saw her more than just at school.

In 3rd grade the girl left, but another one came. This girl started being mean to me when I got the roll of Repunzel in the school play and she didn't, which is kind of a pathetic reason to pick on such a fragile kid. She'd be horrid to me everyday... Then she thankfully moved away, just like the last one. I got bullied pretty much every year, but 6th and 7th grade was probably the worst.

I was friends with 5 girls that I'd known most of my schooling life (since 2nd grade and my best friend since 5th) in grade 6 we all got put into the grade 7 classes as grade 6... It was an experiment the school did, which really turned out like crap for me.

There was one girl (bully 3), she would continuously pick fights with me and even though I tried my hardest to get along with her, she would continue to be a total bitch to me, she'd call me names and just be rude.

It continued to 7th grade and two of my other friends learnt from her habits, they became bullies too. They'd always say "go away, no one likes you" and everyone picked on me about my height (because I'm incredibly short), but they made it an art form.

In February 2013, same year, my 'friends' went to the town pool and this guy in my grade was there and they just so happened to be in the mood to get me a boyfriend, so they said that I liked him and they asked him out 'for me'.

On Monday, they were acting strange... I didn't get it. I begged and begged and finally in the second recess they dropped the bomb. They talked to the guy and he said that if I asked him out myself.. He would infact date me.

That night I didn't sleep, he was cute and certainly 'boyfriend material'.

The next day I started dating one of the most popular guys in the school... Yes, I was in deep trouble when a girl in my class found the note that said 'will you go out with me - *my name'.

All the girls in my grade hated me and bullied me because I was dating him. I got a lot of insults and death threats on Facebook... I was getting told to die, and this was from twelve year olds... But I was falling in love and I didn't want to tell him anything in case it broke us up.

Then, the next week I came back to school and decided... New week, new relationship, hopefully they'll like me.. Nope.

The third week of my relationship, my 'friends' came back and told me and my boyfriend about the stories they made up about us. Sexual stories... About twelve year olds. I begged them to stop, but they wouldn't. My boyfriend and everyone in my group found it funny, it was like being chased by dogs.

Fourth week and the girls (who had a crush on my boyfriend) had started making up stories that he was cheating on me, I didn't believe him.

Fifth week.. Same. All the bullying mixed in with all the stories and the fumbling apart of my relationship sent me into a deep depression. For the rest of the year I dreaded going to school, I also started cutting and wanting to die. I also got cyberbullied and hate on my The Voice Kids Auditions.

Sixth week, he broke up with me and my so-called friend (bully 4) decided to slap him across the face and his braces dug into his cheek and he started to bleed, I almost cried for him.

All the people telling me to die and the bullying still didn't stop until told everyone I auditioned for The Voice Kids.. I had 15 minutes of fame and everyone all of a sudden liked me.

High school (8th grade in Australia) came around pretty quickly and I was still cutting and still wanting to die. The cyberbulling didn't stop as I was putting up covers of songs which no one liked. I had also lost all, but one friend, who I dearly love till this day.

This year (grade nine), I met a guy, who's father is friends with my dad and now we are best friends and in love. I don't know what I'd do with out himI he always finds a way to cheer me up.

broke free of all the bullying and cutting, even though still depressed, I am better.

All those girls probably still hate me, but I don't care because they aren't talking to me anymore. I am stronger and I totally believe in what doesn't kill you makes you strong.

Today I am 1 and a half years clean of cutting and I have now got more friends in my group than I could wish for. I love all my beautiful new friends and my best friend for helping me get through it. Youtubers, One Direction ballet, my boyfriend, best friends and writing saved my life. I can't be more thankful.

Sorry my story is slow long, just never give up. Someone out there loves you.

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