Story 466

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I don't even know where to start and where to finish. But here goes

It all started when I was in year 4 I was weak at maths and was a bit slow in that particular subject however I used to do extra maths in my own time to make myself improve drastically I mean thankfully I was getting good grades in maths! However I was also given extra tutoring for my maths in primary school... The teacher there used to be patient with me at first(I guess she didn't have any choice!) One day she got fed up and told me I might have dyslexia... and to get myself checked out at the doctors/GP

As a timid little girl at the time I was confused and baffled... However she was continually shocked with my progress in maths as instead of the red crosses I started to get gold starts and stickers additionaly with the ticks.

One day she kept me back of the class and questioned me to say "How did you improve so drastically in a short amount of time"? I just smiled (apparently I used to do that significantly due to the fact I did not used to socialise....

Jumping on to secondary school

I should just let you know the bullying starts from here and ends nowhere.... I should also make you aware that the main reason I was being bullied was due to my height (which to be frank is/was way out of my control)

Year 7

Everyone's a newbie at this stage and has not got the foggiest idea on what's going on we were just bundled up into groups. I went to an all girls secondary school and all was fine (except I never used to talk) just smile remember?

So to some people they were Obviously annoyed that I Just never communicated With anyone I got along with the work in addition to doing extra work in my free time as per my habit so I got tag lined with names such as "Geek" "Nerd" although frequently I was greeted with warm friendly words as well such as "cute" mainly due to my height.

moving swiftly on to year 9( Year 8 I left as I got accepted into a boarding school I was flabbergasted I was willing to always go there but I worried about the fees my dad had to work for just for me I felt really bad so I took the decision and got my self expelled(By the ways I got bullied there too you tend to as it's a boarding school however it was not as intense as what I came back to experience)

Year 9

This is the most crucial part of your study life as it's starts with three years of GCSE I tended to focus on my studies and my uni (Yeah at the age of just 14 I was already at university as I was/am still doing my degree in BA In Islamic theology! ) Anywhoo there are those crowds that tend to make you loose focus as they themselves don't have any motivation in life to make something out of their lives whilst they have this amazing opportunity... so unfortunately I was kind of caught up with them at first meaning I payed them attention that they craved so they started to cut my headscarf(I am a a Muslim) and they started to punch me and kick me etc and told me to speak or has the cat got my tongue? they threatened to burn me alive... as I say they try to distract you and me being gullible and foolish I went along with it (please don't ask me why!)

The teachers on the other hand was very strict on bullying the school was strict on bullying so most bullying was done out of school hours even though people have no better things to do (!)

Year 10

I was called a shortie a midget and what have you.. only because at this rate I was only 4 foot something whereas my classmates were way taller than me but I never seemed to let that take advantage of me(I am me for a reason you are you for a reason). Getting higher marks then the majority of my class mates for my GCSE they used to hide my textbook the one I write in so that I fall way behind and basically fail... but it was them who did. However I used to be that kid who used to help them succeed those who wanted to of course dubbed the 'know it all'

Throughout this I met a girl who was the same height as me but from a different background to what I was but that did not stop us getting close(everyone used to like me however they just weren't comfortable with my height but yeah thankfully they talked to me and everything!

Yeah and guess what? This girl was also getting bullied... but it was not all "I got a mate now leave me alone type" She was cunning and deciving with everybody I used to stick up for her(She did not ever return the favour) In addition to that when I used to get bullied in front of her she just used to run away. Anywhoo it turned out that she was also a user. In them times I used to get pocket money frequently so what else does a child spend it on apart from sweets?

Long story short we used to walk home together if it was a really long day at school I used to get hungry (obviously but instead of buying myself anything I asked her(as was my manner politely) if she would like anything? she purposely used to pick the most expensive products there! There goes hunger and pocket money down the drain.... down the line she also used to start calling me names joining in with the bullies etc she once tripped me up in PE and got kicked and punched at until I was unconscious( Due to this incident I was in hospital for a whole month but the only thing I worried about was my grades) The worst is yet to come!

I forgot to mention that I was taken on holiday at the age of 8 back home and was brutally raped... don't cry it's fine the scars still there to remind me every time on the pain that occurred and why!

By this time I was thinking of committing suiced as I just had enough of life at this point.... Although my grades were still excellent I was not physically myself anymore due to the pain I had accumulated. Anywhoo thankfully due to my religion your not allowed to commit suicide so that was a dead end

I live on until there was a family function... and woe behold I was raped again for the 2nd time...(He actually told me he would kill me if i did not obey him) it was my own family member and I was/am ashamed to admit it!

Due to this I Unfortunately fell Pregnant At the age Of 16...

Even due to all of this my family were the ones behind me I just felt confident that my family was happy with the progress I had made and how much I had gone and come through!

Just for your info I did not have an abortion(not allowed in our religion)

By the time I was 16 years old you could see the baby bump and I got called even more names such as" Obese child and the shocking one was It's a wrong place to have a tumour! Yeah I know some people are so naive...

Anywho with all the bullying I was blessed with my own angel... My baby.. My Life...

you can beat bullying simple answer ignore it... It may seem hard to do at first however it gets easier trust me

I got a lot more to write but I guess I should just stop here due to the fact I experienced a load more torture then previously and I don't want to go down that memory lane(sorry)

I am so sorry for the long essay but this is just a short glimpse on my torture to bullying!

I should just add that through all of this I am now married to the best ever person and guess what? He was bullied too! (If he wants to tell you his story he will) And baby number 2 is now on ita way! 

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