Story 87

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I'm not sure if this story counts in your eyes, the readers or the author, but here it goes.

I was a loud rambunctious little girl, curly haired and freckled, a sign of how different and spirited I was.

I could talk anyone's ear off. Seriously.

But, due to some abuse back home from a sibling, I began to stress eat. I ate everything in site, and everything tucked away in cabinets. I went from being the smallest kid in my class, to the least, weight wise.

And I remember the day a little boy came up to me, third grade, he was my first real crush. He told me "I used to like you. When you were pretty." It was such a small comment, but it changed things.

"If you were pretty." If I was pretty. If I was pretty. If I was pretty. The thought echoed.

The same year, my best friend told me I couldn't hang out with her and her group. In third grade that was a big deal. She started to pick on me by calling me techies pet and by having all the little girls in our class not play with me. All but one. A girl deemed "weird" just as I was.

I was later homeschooled. I was still talkative and excitable, despite feeling constant saddness.

And then, I heard comments that I was "annoying." "Too loud." "Needed to lose weight." All coming from people I deeply respected.

My first panic attack, where I was shaking and couldn't stop came from suicidal thoughts. I felt worthless.

By high school, I was put into school with others again. I was too quiet to talk, but I could hear them laugh. I was the frizzy - haired fat kid.

This led to anorexia, seeing a psychologist, and major depression. I didn't fit in anywhere.

Tons of weight lost, and to this day,I don't talk to people for fear of being annoying. I have social anxiety. And even though I'm at a very healthy weight, I never feel content.

Bullying hurts people. Whether it be from leaving people out, saying hurtful things, making jokes to be funny, or just snickering at the presence.

I now have an amazing support system, and I feel very loved. Im learning to love myself, though its taking time. But not everyone is as fortunate. Think before you bully. It could mean someone's life.

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