Story 84

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My best friend went through a lot. She moved a few times and she was always really popular until grade 4. She was a little bit chubby but not terribly so. She was pretty and incredibly cool. But she moved to a part of town most often regarded as the well to do area. All of the kids at her new school were rich, they had name brand clothes, they got whatever they wanted. She wasn't good enough. There was a clique of girls, bully 1, bully 2 and bully 3. Now, bully one was an absolute nightmare. She was the biggest bully in the school she led people to ostracize my friend and she called her fat, ugly etc. Bully 2 wasn't so bad but her and bully 3 pretended to be my best friends, friends when in reality they would talk about her behind her back.

In grade 5 my friend liked this guy I'll call crush. Crush and my best friend started dating and really liked each other until bully 1 convinced crush to break up with my best friend. My best friend was devastated and she used to cry to me for advice. I told her he wasn't worth it but she REFUSED to listen. She continued to pursue him. At this time my best friend was only really friends with bully 3. She wasn't popular and she hated her school.

In grade 7 she dated crush again and bully one stole him from her. Yet again my best friend was devastated. She was going through a lot of other stuff and started to self harm. I was so upset when I found out that I cried myself to sleep, she was like my sister and she didn't deserve to feel that way.

Bully #4 entered the picture next. One day my best friend got on the bus and bully number 4 asked something along the lines of "aren't you going to break the seat?" I found that so disturbing... It started to get better and bullies number 1, 2 and 3 became my best friends sort of friends. Except bully #1 hacked her Facebook, she didn't do anything terrible but it was wrong.

In grade 8 my best friend dated a girl, bully number 2, ever the religious told her she was a sinner and that she wouldn't go to heaven. My best friend actually cried because she felt like she wasn't accepted. She stopped talking to bully number 2, and now that we're in grade 9 we still see her and deal with all of her rude remarks. But I think my friend has made peace because she is the better person.

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