Story 375

362 23 4

Alright. So, back in 7th grade I met this boy who was in 8th grade. He was nice, cute, tall, funny; basically everything a girl would want in a guy, right? So I was friends with him and got along with his friends as well.

One day he actually noticed me for the first time -like romantically- and we started talking and everything. I was in a long distance relationship at the time with this boy in Cali, but this 8th grader made me forget all about it.

He made me feel special and loved, if felt happy for the first time in a long time. We started dating a few days later, but most of our conversations were about sex and things of that nature.

Now, normally I wouldn't partake in these conversations.. But I thought he loved me. One day, I asked if we could lay off the sexting. He said it was fine; but two days later broke up with me.

I didn't realise the pattern at first, but he was just using me to get off and to flaunt around at school. About a month after just being friends with him, he started being a real asshole. He would add me to group chats on kik just to call me an emo whore and tell me to kill myself.

I asked him why he suddenly hated me, and his response was heartbreaking.

"You aren't useful to me anymore. So I made you useful again."

It hurt to hear, but I endured it, and didn't tell anyone about it. People knew, of course. Because the 8th grader would go around spreading rumours.

One day, I got a text from on of my friends. It was a screenshot of a picture on my Instagram page and the caption said

"I fucking hate my life, I was raped by /// and now I'm going to kill myself!"

Needless to say, I already knew who posted it.

I somehow got my password that he changed so I couldn't delete the picture and deleted it myself, changing the password again so he couldn't get into the account anymore.

I was broken. I returned to self harm ( I was previously 6 months clean from cutting ) and shut myself out from the world. I faked being sick for a week so I could compose myself and return to school with my head held high, but what I came back to; was unbearable.

Everyone just stared as I walked onto school grounds. My best friend pulled me aside and told me everyone thought I really did kill myself, but now that I showed up, they thought it was all for attention. I knew that my ex boyfriend was responsable for the rumour.

Iwent to the counsellor to tell her what happened, but when she brought him down, he dented everything. I was sent back to class with a detention for lying about a serious bullying situation.

This went on for months, until the end of the year actually. (It started in January) the last time I saw him was when I got my revenge.

(I don't condone revenge normally but he deserved it)

I walked up to his friends and said..

Me: "Hey /// did the test come back?"

Ex: "What test?"

Me: "You know, the test to see if you have herpies. I mean after having sex with /// there's no way you're clean."

Friend one: "eeeeewwww you f*cked //?! Dude that's nasty."

Ex: "f*ck you ///"

Me:"Thanks, but that window closed long ago ///."

It wasn't much, but he was made fun of the rest of the week.

I don't think of my response to his actions bullying; just giving him a taste of his own medicine.

I learned something from the 5 months of harassment though. It's never too late to stand up for yourself.

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