Story 152

737 37 6

I never knew why I was bullied.

I've always asked myself is it because of my way of talking? Or do they simply not like me?

I am the bullied and they are the bullies.

When I was in primary school, I always got bullied.

I don't really remember the memories now but I remembered that everyone bullied me.

They called me names. Freak, four eyes, bookworm, let me tell you I've heard it all.

The one I remembered affected me the most was when I was on a bus and I remembered...

I remembered two schoolmates that I don't know of calling me ugly.

I know, after such a long time of being bullied and being called worst names, the one that hurts me most was the one that was the most shallow.


I remembered that that was the only time I left my guard down.


I knew I was not the most likeable person so I thought, if I was silent maybe they'll like me more.


What a disgusting word. Leaves a awful aftertaste in my mouth.

I cried you know? Silently, on my bed and by myself.

You know, teachers always says to look for them when bullied. That's bullcrap.

When my pencil case got hidden by bullies. I don't see how you were of any help.

Therefore, i won't ask for your help. I won't ask anyone.

I will not cry. Not in front of anyone. I will not cry, not ever.

I promised myself.

I promised.

And I will keep that promise forever. I will keep my heart locked up, freeze it.

So that I'll feel nothing. I'll not get hurt again.

Never again.

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