Story 309

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Well. Thanks for reading this. Well I'm guessing your reading this, try to excuse my grammar as this has been made in a rush. I don't know if this counts as bullying and I don't know what to do about it so please leave a comment. Let's start

Ok. So we'll start in primary school. (This is all English and I don't know the differences bettween years and grades, so... Yeah) it kinda started young and it wasn't bullying it was more of certain friends being horrible, constantly. Ok so there was friend 1. We used to be best friends and she was a very pushy best friend. And she had this way of... Stealing your stuff. It annoyed me but I didn't say a thing. But then came friendlyfriend. Who saved me from friend1 but had to move away a year later. Me and friend1 became friends again, but I wouldn't take it to best friends as I saw what a friend was really like (thanks friendlyfriend) I was in year 2 at this point. And me and friend1 had plenty of arguments. And she forced me into playing a game she called 'Tigers' which basically meant beating up the boys. Now leading into no boys like liking me. Yay! Fun *note the sarcasm* so with these fights with friend1 I was left. On my own. With no one. At breaks while she would go and break up a friendship some where else and keep the pieces for herself. As we were a small school it was hard to make new friends, as we all head our own little groups. But we'll move ourselves for ward a year.

This is when I was in year 3, I realised I don't have to do what friend1 says so I stayed with my cousin who had just been ditched by his best friend as his mum never took him to after school clubs he never got into foot ball so the boys ditched him... Sad right? So I hung around with him for a while. I stayed friends with friend1.... Just not very close. So me and my cousin hung around. But I hated with my gut this b**** of a teacher who was out to make my life a living hell. Who would want to make a cute 8 yr olds life hell? But I was stuck with her for the rest of the year. But I couldn't make friends with her constantly making me seem like an idiot. I blame the school for making me who I am today. But there was one boy who I had always known but this was when he started to stick up for me. And it really comforted me and got me through the rest of the year. But when I reached yr4 everything became the best. I met 2 more friends Well call them friend2 and friend3. Friend2 and I were practically alike except she was more popular and would only deal with one best friend at a time. This meant for a week she'll talk and hangout with me the next with friend3. Then with friend1. Friend3 got really annoyed at friend1. Friend3 was best friends with friend4 as well so she never was alone. So I was alone practically all the time.


This is were I got interested into Football. And u have to be popular to play football. So that left me screwed. So I kept the system with friend 1 2 and 3 about the once a week. But then friend3 got really annoyed and friend2 and had this massive argument. I had to pick a side so I was forced with friend3 we all ignored each other for 2weeks until friend1&2 came and sat next to us. Then friend3 started lying through her teeth about this massive sleepover we weren't having. And I hated every minute of it.i was still annoyed at friend1 but then a boy (he's really not relevant to the story) said he saw friend2 crying. And this really broke my heart. As I hate any sadness in any one.we made up after that. (Friend one has forever since been p***** at friend 3 but they didn't have the argument)


This is were I met the girl who saved me from their drama, friend 4, We both realised we loved football and I became the schools girl defender and friend4 became girl striker. We barely, never had arguments but friend 3 would always make one. Friend 4 accidentally pushed me over and friend3 would try to make me hate friend4 and call her a b**** in the end I had to say things I didn't believe about them to each other. Just so I wouldn't be left out. I practically begged friend3 to stop. I found friend3 crying in the toilets once. And she wouldn't stop until I called friend4 a bitch. I still feel horrible for doing it. but friend3 made me say it again. But with friend4 behind me. I dint know friend 4 was behind me. But me and friend4 made up after I explained everything. Friend3 had a go at friend 4 for bullying me. But she'd only give me playful slaps which I'd give in return. This whole thing made me feel horrible. And I hated it.end of yr 6 friend4 had to go to a different high school. And we both cried when it came to it. And I found out that boy1 from a different school liked me. :).

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