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The bullying started a few years ago when I first moved to East London. I was starting year four, for a kid I wasn't really that shy I was pretty confident. But the other kids must of been intimidated by that. After a month of starting that's when the name calling started. They'd call me flat nose. This continued all the way until I left for year seven. In year seven I thought enough was enough and I decided to stand up to the bullies; bully #1 and bully #2. after a while the bullying stopped. One day during a math lesson, I stuck up for a girl that was being calling names. But this only made it worse for myself. Bully #1 would call me names while bully #2 said things like I wasn't smart or that I was a slut. Finally after weeks of the torment I finally told someone. After that the bullying stopped and I regained confidence in myself. Now I'm in year nine and I feel grateful for standing up to the bullies. When I think about it now I could have stopped it years ago - it was just that I didn't have the confidence, because I was scared. But now I've realised that silence isn't the answer. I had my own voice and I used it.

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