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Okay so this is a bit different compared to other stories. The reason for this is it's not mine, I am sharing it to show the severity of bullying.

It was my best friend who was bullied, since he was 6 because of his hearing aids to start off with. He had social difficulties too and I would always try to help him out. He wasn't stupid like everyone thought he was. He just didn't know how to socialise. He had a stutter and he grew up being picked on. I would always defend him but no one would listen to me. Also no one knew what I as saying as I have a speech impediment, I didn't really get picked on though. When we started high school he was very scared. I made sure to comfort him. I told him that if he got bullied to tell me and I'f tell a teacher. 2 weeks into the first year of high school I was called into the head of years office, when I went in I saw my friend sitting there and his knuckle was all bruised. Our head of year told me that someone in my friends class had made fun of my speech and my friend had hit them. He said "you always stick up for me so I wanted to help you up and make sure no one hurts you" of course he meant out instead of up. But this was what he said and he also said how much of a good friend I was and how whether he was there physically or not, mentally, he was always watching over. I asked my head why I was called in and she said he wouldn't speak without me.

A couple more weeks went by and he was still getting bullied. He kept telling me and I would go to teachers who said they would sort it out and they were 'aware of the situation' until finally I snapped and said "well if you're aware of the situation how come you haven't done a single thing about it?!" The teacher was shocked but didn't reply. I was just so furious that I didn't know what to do.

His bullying calmed a bit in the second year of high school but by they third year. Things got bad again, he came to school on Monday with a busted lip and a black eye. His mother was up at the school and I was complaining too. Our school didn't seem to bother about the situation. My friend got very depressed. I was confronting bullies only to be laughed at but I just wanted my friend to be happy, but I failed.

It was Friday and I told him I'll see him on Monday as we got on different busses. He said hopefully. I didn't take much not of it. But I should've, on Saturday I got a text message from him. It was his suicide note. Little did I know he had been self harming, I won't go into much detail because I don't want to upset anyone but part of it said 'thank you for everything, you really have been all I could ask for but I don't want you to have to put up with me anymore' that part broke my heart. I rang his house but there was no answer. He had cut his wrists and bled out and died. I attended his funeral and not a single word was spoken about him at school. Not even the teachers cared. But I did and his family did, I wish I could take back time, and I know he's not here physically, but I know he's still with me. Mentally.

ADVICE: If you or someone you know is like this TELL SOMEONE I know I did but I should've gone further. Told the police. I wish I could go back and just hold him and hug him until he changed his mind. I hope this shows how bad bullying is because I know I will never recover. But I know, he is still with me.

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