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Hi. My name is EmilyArnold165. This story isn't about me but about my little brother...

I never had a problem with bullying really. I think that everyone experiences a time in their life when they meet someone that doesn't like them but I was never really bullied.

My little brother was though. He was picked on for little things like he has ADD and his grades aren't the greatest. He loves Anime and likes to babble all day long about them.

But one day we were on the bus on our way to school. My brother was talking to one of his friends about middle names and what his was. When suddenly one of his other "friends" yelled from the back of the bus. "You're a disgrace to my first name!"

I was upset that someone that was supposed to be his friend was saying those things about him. So I stood up and called back "A lot of people have that middle name" I don't understand what was so wrong about that sentence but he yelled back "Well those people aren't (insert r-word here)"

I was so mad I yelled back at him "Don't call my brother a f****** r*****"

He instantly went into 'Fight or Flight mode. He knows not to mess with me most of the time especially by my tone of voice. "I didn't call your brother a r*****"

I was already furious and that just made it worse. Thankfully it was time to get off the bus.

When I got inside I went to the Principal and told her what had happened on the bus she called all three of us down to the office to talk it out.

Half-way through explaining what had happened again, I broke down in tears. I was already pretty choked up to begin with but when she started asking questions like "and how does that make you feel?" I stormed out of the office saying I needed walk.

I ran into one of my favourite teachers on the way out the office. I had meant to just walk upstairs and sit in the bathroom until I'd calmed down enough to go back. But she brought me outside and we took about 8 laps of the school. She talked me down and I went back inside.

My brother still gets bullied from time to time but as often as I can I stand up for him.

ADVICE: "When someone hurts you over and over again, think of them like sandpaper. They may scratch and hurt you but in the end, you end up polished and they end up useless"

- Andy Biersack

Never let anyone tell you that you are not good enough. Never let anyone tell you that you aren't normal. Normal is a setting on a washing machine. Just because you don't fit someones idea of "Normal" doesn't mean that you are any less than them. In fact. anyone that decides to hate on you will get nowhere in life. Because they only focus on the things they don't like.

Be who you are because there is no one else you can be... Everyone else is taken. Be unapologetic about the way you are.

"Today you are you that is truer than true. There is no one alive that is youer than you" - Dr. Seuss.

More times than none. People hate on you because you are the person that they will never be.

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