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The bullying all started when I was were nice to me until bully1 showed up. She was jealous that I could get close to any boy and she couldn't...I would have a group of guy friends instead of girls...I was very girly and quite beautiful but my personality wasn't girly at all...I was destructive and boyish...bully1 called me a boy in a dress. As a small child I took that offensive and then after that every girl was after me...calling me "boy", "freak", "ugly", "fat" even though I wasn't fat just a bit friends wouldn't say anything. It wasn't helpful because at home I would be beaten by my father...this continued until I gave them what they wanted I cut my hair and I stopped being a decision of my life if I say so...anyways the girls tried to call me names but I wouldn't let it get to me...then they started hitting me but that crossed the line of my friends... hell I still remember that day bully1 hit me and friend1 spit in her hair and told her to never bug me again...the teacher got mad but after finding out that bully1 was bullying me for so long and I put up with it...she finally put a end to it...around the age of 14 I was now a boy and girls and guys liked me and I was fine with that...but bully1 started to ask me if I could ask bestfriend1 out for her...being a reasonable person I said fine and I asked him...he went up to her and said in a monotone voice "look I'm not interested in you...because I don't like boobs I like dicks now leave me alone" I was laughing my ass off til he came up to me and kissed me and asked me out...and of course I said hell yes...bully1 was heartbroken and she deserved it...anyways it lasted for a while but we broke up because he I still have people wanting me because of my tattoos and my bad boy personality...but I am just a depressed little parents never knew about the bullies because I handled it on my own...luckily the abused tell the truth my hands were shaking the whole time I was typing this...I'm not as badass as some people think...anyways that's my story if you want to find me (hopefully not...) my wattpad is @MuMuMuteTheOutcast

And remember kids...don't be assholes to people just to be popular or some shit like that...and if you see a bully why not punch them for me...thanks for reading assuming you read this...

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