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My bullying story is different. It didn't take place at school nor did my friends have any participation with it.

It might get a little long...

When my parents were just recently divorced it was decided that my three siblings and I change houses every other week. Everything was going smoothly for the first two months.

Then one week before summer officially ended, when it was my moms turn to have us, we entered the house to be greeted my mom with a wide smile. Behind her was standing a lady with long brown voluminous hair. On both of her sides were standing two boys, her sons I instantly concluded. I looked back to my mom waiting for the information that came with the image.

"These are going to be our house mates for a little while" I didn't think much of it then.

Introductions and greetings were exchanged. The eldest son was 15 at the time and the other boy was 12. It clicked immediately between me and my 15 year old house mate. I am two years younger than him. His brother hung out mostly with my younger brother.

Our friendship grew at a rapid speed. He had the looks, was funny and was just great. Throughout their stay I couldn't help but wonder if my feelings for him weren't just friendly. Even if they were I didn't want them. I quickly ditched them. I didn't want anything but brotherly love from him.

But he didn't seem to think the same. We were just casually sitting on his bed. I pretended not to realise that he was scooting closer. But then I was shocked when he took my hand in his and kissed my cheek. His mouth lingered there for some time. My eyes quickly widened when his lips started sliding towards mine. I pulled my hand out of his grip and turned my head further away.

"I'm sorry" my breathing was hard "I don't like you that way" I quickly said before shuffling out of his room.

No one likes rejection, I know that. I didn't know if he was going to be angry or sad.

When I left to my dads I was relieved. But a week later that relief turned to guilt. I was going to have to face him again. I freaking lived with him.

He was talking to me again, but the things he said weren't necessarily nice. He would tease me and call me names all the time.

He hated me. He also became my moms personal spy. Anything 'bad' I'd do my mom would be the first to hear about it. I had also noticed that my mother was being really strict, something that she has never been. The boy's mother though was. She would yell at her sons everyday. She was rubbing it off at my mother. Sometimes she would ground me instead of my own mom.

But that's not where it stopped, my 15 year old house mate would nag me nonstop. After I took showers, when I woke up, after diner, you name it. He wasn't alone though, his and my brother were determined to make my life hard. I told my mom they were bothering me.

She shrugged it of and told me to live with it. I complained many times, she never did anything. Half a year passed and I was sick of it. My mom payed no attention to me. I felt really unwanted. One day I took my duffel bag took my most needed stuff and left on my bike to my dads. My dad was surprised to say the least. Not even 15 minutes passed and mom called me saying that if I didn't go back she'd call the cops. For a 13 year old I was shit scared. I looked to my dad and he said that she can't do anything. I hadn't seen or talked to my mom for a year.

When I was 14 I was pushed by the judges of this 'case' to keep seeing my mom. So I did as told.

My mother feels very strong hate to dad. She hates him with a passion. She knows I prefer him over her. I defended my dad to every mean thing she said about him to my siblings. I would roll my eyes at her and give snarky comments back. She didn't like it one bit. She was angry with me all the time. One day she must have had it cause she started beating me up. Pushing me at the wall, slapping me and kicking me. I have never had any attacks in my whole 14 years. But the moment she stopped I was hyperventilating. My breathing was soo hard to task. And my crying was nonstop. I stayed in my room for two days without coming out. No one was coming in either. Probably under the command of my mom.

Today I have forgiven her but my distrust towards her will always be there, even if it's faint. My mom moved to a new house in the summer of 2015. Alone at that. The other family moved back to their homeland.


I don't know if any part of my story is considered bullying or if it even gets sumbited in the book but here it is anyways.


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