Submission 514

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Okay so when I was in primary school I got bullied almost the entire time and because the school is so small everyone knows everyone LITERALLY and there's only like 6/7 people of the same sex in your year. So the most that I was bullied was in year 5 and 6 so I'll tell you about that. Everyone paired up in my year there were the two kids that looked down on everyone, the two seemingly perfect ones, the rowdy ones and me

I never had a pair so I guess that was a starting point for the bullying everyone just randomly ganged up on me and then my mum would be like I'm going in to sort this out but she always made it worse and all the teachers were bullies probably even more than the kids just because they didn't like my mum which I thought was really unfair. The teachers did stuff like for example singling me out, embarrassing me on purpose, making me feel bad about myself and they let the kids get away with all the bullying too even though they could see it happening in front of them.

I guess it was kind of sexual harassment too to be honest like the girls I had to get changed with always made fun of me and said I didn't need bras because I was too small and other stuff. Some kids even made fun of my scar. Not self harm scars I had an operaton so I had a massive scar on my stomach. It wasn't even gross it just looked like a squiggly line but they were horrible anyway. They actually thought so little of me that when we made a Christmas play one really self centered girl told me to sing in a lower pitch because I was making her voice sound higher.

It still hasn't stopped even though I'm now in high school. At one point I even ran away from school and was almost abducted so thanks a lot bullies. You ruined my life...

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