Story 142

750 34 4

About last year my best friend started hanging out with the "popular group." She pretty much ignored me, and I didn't have many friends back then. She spread rumors about me, claiming I secretly wore glasses secretly (which was very stupid to me) and other things I would rather not share.So, she and her new friends started calling me "four eyes" and "two-faced". It really hurt me. And, on my phone, I have a How To Train Your Dragon cover case and they started to make fun of me for my love of the movies. It really hurt me and I fell quickly into depression. I soon joined WattPad, hoping to write better and bring out my inner self to people. Writing really helped me express my inner self and get everything out of me. So when I returned to school they tried to hurt me and get me to cry, but I was stronger than that, and I ignored them. I guess they got tired and stopped bullying me, finally. I felt like I was finally a free soul. That's the only time I've been directly bullied in real life and I do hope it never happens again. You don't (well, may) understand how much your heart cracks when your best friend turns on you and spreads rumors. Someone you trusted with your life, secrets, etc betrayed you and it hurts, I know. That's my story.

What type of bullying did you experience?

Teasing and name calling mainly

How old were you when the bullying started?

12 or 13

Who bullied you?

My ex best-friend and her group of "populars"

How did you feel while you were being bullied?

I felt sad and helpless, as well as depressed

How did you feel after being bullied?

Happier and I felt free for once

Have you told anyone you know that you were bullied?

No, back then I scarcely talked and I had bad anxiety so I was too afraid and embarrassed to say anything. I look back on those days and I now wish I had reported being bullied to my parents or a teacher or anybody. This is the first time I have directly said everything about being bullied.

Why/why not?

As I said before, I had bad anxiety and I was too embarrassed to say anything

How long were you bullied for?

A few months, I'd estimate

Are you still being bullied?

It's hard to not be bullied on the Internet. This was my first experience in bullying, but I am not being bullied currently. As for the Internet I have received some hateful comments but, hey, it's the Internet. What are you going to do about it? I could report someone but they aren't saying much. Anyway, no, I am currently not being bullied.Amen to all those who have been bullied.   

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