Story 319

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I think it all started back when I was 11. The name calling and teasing did anyway. I was a very outgoing person, I spoke my personality. My classmates did not like that, so instead they tried beating me down. At first I mean it did hurt to hear those things being said to me, but I got over it. Then it became a constant. After a while I just couldn't take it anymore I cried and cried everyday before I went to school and after. I didn't want to go to the place I was unwanted. I became very very depressed to the point where I would spend days in bed, I wouldn't get up, I wouldn't eat, I would sleep and that's it. When I graduated 5th grade and moved on to the 6th grade, my depression was still bad, my anxiety made it hard for me to come to school. that year I got a phone, I got on all the social media. I loved having a phone. it was kind've like a n escape place for me then. I made a few friends that year. This certain one I was on and off with. One day I made a comment on another friends post, I guess my cyber bully didn't like that and she went off on me I just kinda said sorry for posting that please don't call me those names. But it didn't stop there it had gotten worse everyday she would comment or post something about me. I would go to bed crying every night, I wouldn't tell any one I would just let it happen and wished it would stop. Well then I went into 7th grade. I had really good friends from elementary still. I still ended up falling in the wrong crowd. I was mean to everyone because I thought that was right, my "friends" we're doing it so why can't I. I was mean to everyone. People were scared of me. Guys weren't though, no guys would tease me, and name call and brought me down more. One day I had enough of the pain I felt on the inside. My mum and I shared a bathroom and she had a razor to shave.i took her razor and I cut myself. I felt relief, I changed mental and emotional pain to physical pain. I fell into an addiction. I went way downhill from then on too. I would drink every night, smoke pot. I was throwing my life away. I dated this one guy for maybe a month. My so called friend was very jealous so she told everyone we had sex and that I have sex with a lot of people. That's how I got labled as a whore and a slut. My cutting got worse and then I made my first suicide attempt my parents sent me to what they called "teen suicide prevention" place for 2 weeks really it was a teen insane asylum. I tried to comment 10 time in the next 2 years of my life. My friends would call me immortal that I havnt died yet. After my 10th suicide attempt my mom had enough of it I got a restraining order against some kids, one girl beat me up. She was on probation for batteri. Also ended up that they found drugs in her possession so she went to juvie. I don't get bullied anymore. I don't bully anymore thank god. I let my personally speak load and proud. I'm very happy now. I havnt cut in a year, I'm 6 months sober. I havnt stopped smoking pot but I'm doing it less and less in hopes of stopping. I'm happy to say I feel worth it.

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