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For me growing up was hard. Since I live in a small community, I don't know if it was to kill time or just to see my reaction. I was starting grade 2 or 3 when people bullied me. About my hair, my nose, my weight, how my siblings and I always have "nits" or "bugs" in our hair. It isn't really our fault we have them you know? They'd tease me saying don't go near her or you will get lice! not all the time we did. It went like then till' grade 5-6 instead they tease me about how my clothes don't match about my weight, I stood strong to them it did I would retaliate but they start saying stuff really low like "the reason your dad left your mom was because of you... Your moms fat maybe that's how you're fat" when they'd tease my younger siblings they have crossed the line so this turned out into fights. More people called me psycho or spaz. I didn't care thought as long as they didn't bother my siblings. I remember once in grade 7, a boy had the audacity to comb my hair. When asked what the hell he was doing he just said to see if any lice would fall out. I was pissed but didn't say anything. Sometimes they make they're little sibling throw things at me like rocks and sticks. People kept fighting me sometimes they win cause they'd jump me but since I know how to use my weight in a fight I won most of them. Anyways they kept teasing me about. My weight, how ugly I looked, made fat jokes, someone even stole my nice high tops so I had to go on the bus with no shoes. Even though I stood up for myself, I was actually crying in the inside, my so called friends told them all my secrets, who I liked about my mom and dad. I was hurt. These people that are bullying me right now were my friends, they are followers, they followed everyone else by bullying me, even the higher grade students teased me but the bullying stopped since I got taken away from my mom and Into foster care. After that junk was over I moved in with my dad in another province, my strong demeanour faltered considerably. Since I was going in grade nine. I was scared to go to school. "What if they tease me about my weight? Or how I look? Even my big nose?" I thought these over I was getting really insecure about myself. I have gotten really lonely, paranoid and anxious. People bullied me more in grade 9. I just didn't tell my friends, I was scared they would turn there back on me too. Not long after I moved back with my mom and asked her if she can buy me diet pills and drinks and shakes I had asked my dad and he just told me to exercise, how could I damn exercise with out being embarrassed eve more? well to this day I'm still anxious about being bullied again.

Sorry it's long 

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