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Well, this is my story. It's a bit of a long one.

It all started back in May 2015. I was sitting in a maths lesson minding my own business not saying a word, when two girls come over and start trying to stop me from working and talk to them. I ask one what they wanted, and they said they 'just wanted to chat'. That was fine with me, but they started on the topic of sex and masturbation. I'm happy to talk about it any time because it's healthy for the mind, but not in person. They started trying all sorts of things to try and lead me into sexting with them, etc. one of those things was a bribe.

I have in and I started talking to them, but i kept urging them to be quiet. We were all at the very front of the classroom. They started annoying me and bugging me so I said I'd set up a group chat on Facebook to talk about it. Luckily by that time the lesson was over so they couldn't bug me any more.

That afternoon I set up the group chat with them and I started talking to them, and for starters they were casually discussing things like if they booked a hotel room for us three to f*ck in. I thought that was quite far but I kept my mouth shut, and I just played along.

Then, they said they wanted to meet up at a local park. I said that was OK, and I met them both there.

The first thing I noticed was that they both had their phones in their hand throughout the whole time, so I tried to keep limits on what I said.

After a while, they asked for me to get my penis out in front of them in public. I was hesitant at first but they said if I didn't then they'd go spreading rumours about me... (And these girls are both extremely popular compared to me, so everyone would believe the rumours in an instant.) I did it. Then they asked for another few favours, and I said no. I figured I had already done enough.

Then, I asked for a favour from them. It was their turn to show something... But they didn't show anything.

After that we all went home, and in the group chat they were asking me to send a video of myself masturbating. Firstly I asked for a nude of them both in case I got into trouble for this, and they sent one, although I was 99% sure it was just a picture of Google Images.

...I sent it. Nothing else happened in the group chat.

Then, on the next day of school, we had Maths again. I looked over to one of the girls and I noticed they had their phone out... And... They were playing my video in front of everyone. My face went red instantly, as I had discovered what I had done. I had let myself fall into their trap - they bribed me into the whole thing.

The day after that I was called out of a lesson, and I was taken to an office where I had a conversation with 4 or 5 teachers, one of which was the principal. I was handed a printout of screenshots of the conversation on Facebook and they asked if it was me in the conversation. I said it was me. They continued on to my video. I was handed screenshots of the video. They asked again if that was me, and I admitted it was. Then, one of the teachers loaded up a video recording of me saying that I would get my penis out in the park if they wanted. Again, I was asked if that was me. It was.

I then told them I had evidence going against these two girls (their 'nudes'). I was asked to show it to them, and I did.

Then, after some more questions were asked, I was taken to another room where a teacher phoned my mum at work, explaining the whole story. I was in the room when the phone call was made, flooding tissues with my tears. My mum asked to speak to me and my heart sunk even lower.

"You're such an idiot!" She said. "How could you be so stupid?" Were her exact words. I couldn't talk properly due to the fact that my entire life had turned upside down in moments.

After that, I was sent home for the day. I cried on the bus on the way home. I cried on the walk between the bus stop and my house.

Wiping the tears off my face, I entered my house and my brother asked me why I was home so early. I had to explain the whole thing to him too. He didn't say much, but I could tell he wasn't impressed by the look on his face.

I ended up having no games, PC, TV or Internet for two months...

I had turned from the helpless quiet boy who never said a word in lessons to that kid who nobody wants to be anywhere near because of his past. I'm still judged by all the kids at my school 6 months on.

The day that the teachers and the whole school was the day my life permanently changed. That day was 4 days before my 15th birthday.

ADVICEDon't fall into the worlds most obvious traps. I don't want this to happen to anyone else. Nobody will ever know how much I hate myself for what I did.

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