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Well this happened to a dear friend of mine. Cause I have to Say his Before I say anything about me since he had a huge impact.Not me but he can't tell the story only I can now. ( don't worry it's not long and bare with me ) at the age of 8 his parents got divorced and he lived with his dad. The mom started wanting her son back after she finished college (she was 19 when she had him). But she never came to rescue him. One day he stayed after school to stay and finish his homework. When he got home his dad was angry at him and started beating him up. The beating got worse over the years and years. He started cutting and getting bullied for the bruises he had. No one ever cared to help him. Soon when he was 15 things got worse. He got abused every night, he was still cutting. One day in a website he met this girl. Probably the most sweetest girl .I'll tell her to post her story maybe (:) She made him happy he stopped the cutting and everything. after she found everything out about him being abused,bullied ,depressed , and that he was cutting. She was a big impact of his life, like how he was to me. Over a month, the got closer and closer. They said "I love you" too and joked about everything. The girl ( let's call her E) had some bullies to go through too so she knew him and understood him. He even stayed all the way until morning talking to her. He even confessed to her about his feelings to her, and she rejected him. ( she told me that she didn't believe in love at the time and that was a huge mistake)Then one day..he met me. I remembered his huge smile as I just walked out that door of the airport. I stared at him thinking he was quite cute with his fluffy hair and blue eyes ( I was fucking lucky ). I saw a bruise on him and looked at his arm more. He shrugged and pulled down his sleeves. As I got in the car he started talking about this girl E. i didn't answer cause I was shy ever since I was a little kid. My sister went to Italy with me and my mom left my 2 brothers with my dad in California. She started teasing me and him which both we blushed at. As he kept talking and telling jokes and I stared at him and nodded. When we got to the hotel he asked me if I would ever talk to him. Finally after a long silence I said " eventually I will since you're mom is going to work my my dad". ( his mom wanted him back, I said that didn't i?, well she was but that sadly didn't happen a few months later) he smiled hugely and hugged me. ( not to be creepy but he smelled so fucking good). Me being my dumb self asked him about his bruises. He just sat there staring at the ground and looked up to me. Over the days the convinced my mom to let me go to a public school for one since I've been cyberschool since 5th. He and I experienced bullying at his school.they would pin me to the lockers touching me ( the boys, the girls just spread rumors) he punched a guy that tried to touch me but that was a big mistake. After all that shit was done I asked him why did he punch that guy. He calmly said " cause I don't want anyone touching you like that ". I remembered that blush I had on that made him and I smile. He kept on saying I should meet E. He had her Skype which I used I talk her. Her and I talked everyday and Him and E starting fading away from each other. He stopped talking to her and he was focus on me more. He talked to her a little but she ignored him cause it was always about me. I learned that he got abused so I would stay at his house a lot and leave when his dad sleeps so he could be safe. One day as I waited for him I was also crying. The bullies from 5th grade texted me on a blocked number. I knew it was her cause she said "Heard you're coming back whore. Get ready." I cried for 2 straight hours before he came home and hugged me. Held my face as the tears dropped, wanting to know everything. I kissed him right there. ( sorry for all the lovey Dovey parts but this has to happen). A few days later of us getting bullied together, we started dating. I Told E every thing and she told me everything. She was quite happy about em dating him but she never said. It was quite obvious that she felt the same about me liking him. day after day of us going out, he got bullied more than I did. The boys didn't like me going out with him while the girls didn't like me going out with him either. His bullying got worse and worse and he started cutting. One day after he got abused bad enough, he called me to come over. As I walked in he hugged me tight. I saw he was getting tired and told him to sleep. He kept refusing and said that he wants me to stay awake with him. We stayed up talking until we both fell asleep. I woke up and left a note saying I went home. I didn't come over the rest of the day and it was 4:36 pm for us. I got a text from E to go check on him cause he was saying Good bye and this is my last day here. Her and I got worried so much. When I finally reached his house. I found out he was cutting his vein and tried to kill himself. I cried to much that day and the day he died and even at his funeral. Life was a struggle for me afterwards. I got constantly bullied. The thing I had left from him was his little pocket knife. I used to to cut myself. E found out and yelled at me to stop. Weeks pasted and E and I both fell in depression. It was due to school and family. Her family never cared and my family didn't care either. But we cared for each other giving advice. We started talking about us wanting to die instead of talking about her addiction to books. One day I actually tried to kill my self my cutting but it wasn't deep enough. ( this was 4 days ago actually). So far I heard whispers and shit and so has she. I'm currently in 9th suffering from depression. I am still getting bullied and I'm missing him even more. I wish I could've save him but I didn't. I should've stayed there with him until he woke up. Now as the days past E and I and saying that we're the reason he hulled himself. But with his dad abusing and his even best friend/ ex was bullying him, who knows who did. Thank you for staying this long.. This felt good just spilling out. I know this isn't a very interesting part but there's a moral to my story.

ADVICE: The moral was that bullying isn't fun. He died cause he was getting bullied and now I want to die. The bullying has to stop. I'm sick of it. Kids and teens are suffering from bullied their whole life. People killed their self even to escape from it. I hope in the future ( if I even have one ) the bullying will stop.

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