Story 91

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I was in 5th grade, but I remember this all so clearly. I befriended a boy who had just transferred the past year. From the start, I had a gut feeling that I shouldn't have befriended him, because I had heard rumours about him being kicked out of his old school. But I trusted him anyway, and we got along pretty well. That was until I told him about my secret crush.

I really don't know what came over him. When I told him, he said they were best friends. I told him not to tell, and he promised otherwise.

Things were fine, we were friends, until the Valentine's Soiree we held. It included a ballroom dance which was required, and he told me to go partner up with my crush. I told him that I didn't want to, and he blackmailed me, saying that if I didn't, he would tell him about my secret.

At the time it was fine and I had won, because the teacher was in charge of partners. Soon after that, my life at school became a living hell.

He started calling me names for no reason, like retard, stupid, and lesbian, apparently because I had a best friend who I went home with.

Now I didn't want to tell my parents, because they were already dealing with financial problems. I didn't tell any teachers because he was a rich kid, and nothing would happen because his parents funded the school. So thhe bullying went on.

As time passed, the insults became even worse. Bitch, slut, whore, all horrible insults you can think of. His guy friends joined in soon, even my crush, making it a thousand times worse.

I got sick of it. I fought against him, using his own insults. I thought it would make me feel happy, but it didn't. It made me feel more empty, it made me feel worse. I stopped not long after, realizing that stooping down to his level would make me as horrible a person as he is.

The bullying soon stopped, when my classmate, one who wasn't even a close friend, stood up to him for me. I was so grateful to her. We soon became friends, and he transferred schools the next year.

Now, I'm happy. I now know that I am none of those things he called me. I am strong, I endured it, and so are you. Don't be afraid to be who you are. It's one of the greatest things you will be. You are unique, you are beautiful. Never let anyone tell you different.

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