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I was emotionally bullied at age 6 by my mother and cousins. They used to tell me that I was worthless and a waste of space.

When I was seven my oldest cousin who was 17 at the time let me watch Bogeyman which Is a horror movie. After that he said we were gonna play a game. I pick me up and took me to his room where her locked me inside the closet and told me the bogeyman was gonna come and get me. He left me locked in the closet for hours screaming and crying curled up In ball. When he finally let me out I ran and hide in my room for two days. No one can to find me.

A few months later I was in the car with my mom and her then boyfriend. They were fighting over money. She kept telling him that if they left me to live with his mother they could have more. He had always liked me. He told me that he would try to get mom to be nicer. So he told her that they weren't gonna leave me. She got mad and called me every name in the book before getting out of the car and walking away. Her boyfriend drove me home and waited with me til she came home that night drunk and barley standing. With some guy from the bar. Needless to say they broke up and I was left with her again.

After years of living with her and being treated like her pet. My dad got out of jail and remarried and got custody of me from her and of my brothers from her mother. My step mom had to fight to win any of us over. She tried for three years before we were really ok with her being there. It took more time for us to start to move on but she gave us all the time and help we need.

She's the reason I like to help others and want them to know that they they can come to me for help

I want anyone who reads this to know that someone cares about that they've been through and that someone's here that can talk to. So if any of you ever need someone to talk to direct message me: @kaylasapp

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