Story 452

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I've been bullied since I was in Year 3, a girl took everything away from me and I only had one boy best friend, but he moved to Scotland and I haven't heard anything about him since. Bully 1 - I cant swim and my school used to take us swimming but because of my ears I couldn't learn cos the Doctor didn't want me to. Once time she practically forced me into her swimming costume and forced me to go swimming even tho I didn't want to. I know its nothing but I cried because everyone else was having a great time, and she forgot I was there too. It doesn't really count but I thought it was bullying- being told to do something you didn't wanna do.

Bully 2 happened when I moved schools in Year 4, she was my best friend but somehow took all of my friends away from me and said really nasty things about me just because of my speach. I had speach therapy for 8 years. She made my best friend turn against me till I was a loner and no one wanted to hang out with me or anything. This lasted until year seven.

In Year eight I had yet another bully. He was new to the school in Year seven but I didn't really speak to him much. He used to make fun of me and hit me with random things, rubbers, a pencil case, his school bag, paper balls, rubber bits, pencils - anything. He kicked the back of my chair at every chance he got. He made fun of my work in all my lessons, unfortunately he was in every single lesson of mine. Until one time in Art I got so fed up of him making fun of my paintings that I said really loudly "shut the f*** up!". Which made the whole class look at me in shock while he had his mouth open. I was really shy and I hardly ever talked, so when ever I did everyone was so shocked and a few laughed.

When we went up to high school to year nine he was in none of my lessons thank God and finally I made more and more friends. When a guy spoke to me in a lesson, he didn't stop talking to me and one point Bully 3 moved down to my set and had the nerve to say "Why do you talk to him and not me? You ignore me every time!"

Well excuse me, mate, you shouldn't have bullied me!

My life got better and fingers crossed I haven't been bullied since year 8 ( when I was 13). It helps to talk to someone about it even though you don't really want to.

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