Story 301

407 13 4

It all started in fifth grade, my class went on an overnight school trip. When we got back, my best friend was really distant and avoiding me, I still don't know why. She was talking to everyone else but me and that really hurt my feelings. One day during recess she started a club with three of my other best friends and the thing that hurt most was that she excluded me. And then the day after her birthday she got a phone and she asked for everyone else's number, but mine and then when I asked her for her phone number she said that she know it and she didn't talk to me again that day. The thing is that she acts all sweet around other people and then when it's just me and her, she ignores me. Then she started talking to me again and she would say snide remarks and then say that it was a joke. Then one of my male friends was messing around with me and a couple other friends and he started calling me a nickname that I hated, and it caught on. And sure he would tease me harmlessly, but that really hurt because I told him to stop and he wouldn't. So other people would call me that. And two people that I truly care about called me the nickname and I just couldn't take it anymore. I would pretend that it didn't hurt and then at home cry. Fifth grade was the worst, but the best year of my life. I talked to people I wouldn't normally talk to and up got a new best friend. I talked to my crush like a normal person and I actually enjoyed myself in sports and in class, but the one person that was my best friend for six years, hurt me the most. She's still my best friend but were not as close anymore. The people in my class think that I'm this tough person, but they don't understand that I could snap at anytime. I love my friends, but they hurt me a lot and they don't know that. I could be laughing one day and then the next I could snapping at people. They have the greatest impact on my life and they don't know.

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