Story 465

375 18 7

I was inspired by K.W. To tell my suicide story

It's all my fault...

It's all my fault...

That's all I ever think anymore

ever since 6th grade I had this crush she was a beautiful girl with long brown hair and green eyes.One day in 9th grade all the guys who did basketball with me were watching the girls who did track. She was on the track team. In fact she was the fastest on the team. Of course the leader of our group his girlfriend was on the team and she wanted him to "teach her a lesson" because she wanted to be the best. Everyone the group saw her they would laugh and make rude comments soon almost everyone joined in I stayed out of it. I got on Facebook one day because I was bored and I went to her page and saw hateful messages I didn't want to tell them to leave her alone because I would be brought into it one day everyone was telling me to go do it and I went up to her and said I didn't see why anyone likes her. She snapped in my face saying I THOUGHT YOU WERE THE KIND KID AT SCHOOL YOU STAYED OUT OF IT ALL THIS TIME BUT YOU NEVER HELPED YOU A** I HATE YOU she started crying and went home early that day I went home at the end of the day and called her I knew what I did was wrong and wanted to tell her how I felt and how she was pretty and amazing no one answered. We lived in the same neighborhood so I went to her house the door was open I poked my head in and looked around I looked up and saw her dangling from the chandelier she had hung herself I found her body. I called 911. A few days later I found out that I called 5 minutes late. 5 minutes too late by the time I called she just hung herself and was slowly dying in pain if I called 5 minutes before that she wouldn have just got the rope hung and I might have been able to save her. I went to her funeral and I was sobbing everyone from my school was there her parents were crying so hard and so was the girlfriend of the leader I talked to her parents and they were mad but they were also wanting me to mourn with them. I went and talked to the girlfriend of the leader and she told me it was all her fault that this happened and that she was sorry I say that she had cut herself with the words all my fault on her arms I said stop its not your fault we all played a part in it I pushed her over the edge it's my fault way more than yours

A month later we found her camera on there there was a video of her last two minutes alive it even said that I pushed her over the edge because she liked me. It also said she was sorry to her parents and to the school I will always miss those eyes that hair the smile she wore I will miss her forever


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