Story 367

296 12 2

I was 12 when it all started. I'd moved from a small village, due to an abusive father, the whole school had only 100 pupils. To a town where the school had 500 pupils I was a fat kid. For the rest of

That year id been bullied called names such as lard arse. Smelly twat. 'You pissed your self? Smelly fatty' it caused depression and I was terrified for seniors. When I came to the first year of seniors I was lucky to dodge the bullies and I had a good year. I met this friend. She wasn't friends with this girl I was close too. But me and my new friend got split up the next year. She became friends with the other girl I was close too and I was out of the picture. I made a new friend after that. I was bullied a lot because I was friends with her. I stopped eating. I slit my wrists. She was my best friend I didn't care about anything other then her. Soon enough I stopped cutting and was a lot happier. The next year came along. I got a message from the friend saying 'hey I'm sorry about last year. We're in a class this year. Wanna be friends?' 'Sure' I replied with no hesitation. The first few months where great but she became a controlling bitch and turned into my bully. I managed to get away from her but I had no one to turn too at school so I stayed by her. My friend from the year before started botching behing my back so unlocked off and lost her to the controlling bitch.


got very depressed

And slit my thigh and wrist a lot. I also tried killing myself

on and off until I met a new friend. I lost a lot of

Weight and the classmate bullying stopped .

I've been friends with her since and the other friend is out of my life and I have been clean for 4 months ☺️☺️☺️

Sorry I'm British 😂 hope it's made sense

How old were you when the bullying started? 


Who bullied you? 

'Best friend' class mates

How did you feel when you were being bullied? 

Horrid I wanted to die I hated school

How did you feel after being bullied? 

Better, a lot happier

Have you told anyone that you know that you were bullied? 

I told my mum


Cause I couldn't tell a teacher right then i have bad anxiety

How long where you bullied for? 

3 years

Are you still being bullied? 

Not as much as I was. I get the odd comment every now and then because im still quite fat.

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