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um i hope im doing this right.. i want people to hear my storie. Im Jai. well Jai is my nickname.. I have been bullied. I have been sad about it ever since. It happens all the time to me. but im only going to say 1 story. there were 7 or 8 bullies. it was at a camp. Most of them were boys. One of them would always call me an armodillo, or white lips because i had chapped lips. they would make fun of me becausw of my ezcema. its really bad too. My sister, my only friend, would never stand up for me. the counslers at the camp always said your brave for walkint away and junk. but i would go home and i would want to cry. one day we played kick ball, a boy blocked me from running so i got tagged. then i started yelling at them. ALL OF THEM. and thry called me a bitch. i was really sad because i hate being yelled at. so i ran away. i ran away from all 7 of them only once. one of them hit me with a ball so i threatned to hit them with a baseball bat. it was plastic. anyway, so thwy hit me again. so i grabed a bat and hit them with it. it was all of them. ALL 7 BOYS. and just me with everyone watching. i started hitting them and they were terriffying me. so i ran. i just ran without thinking! and my sister blocked the door when i ran out because they were still chasing me. i wanted to scream. then when it was all over, i noticed, is it always gonna be like this? what can i do to stop this?! it still happens to this day. its mostly in school now. sometimes i dont mind the pain they cause. i dont know why. but guess what? we can only stop it if we havent started it. i was the girl who was allways caled annoying fot no reason and they would take my stuff and make fun of me. i still try to be myself everyday. sometimes i wanna change, but nobody will ever change me. 

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