Story 395

426 17 9

My story :

Ok here we go....

I was in high school (I live in UK) year 7 and that's when it al started we didn't have a uniform at my school which I thought was really cool. Until the bullying started I got called a slut, slag, whore and a b!*ch. all because I wore a skirt on the first day. I ignored it carried on like nothing was wrong I joined dance/cheerleading club made some friends. There was this boy I liked he was in year 10 when I was in year 7 I literally thought I was in love people teased me I got cornered in the girls bathroom and punched and kicked but I didn't tell I had bruises covering my stomach arms back and legs. The rest of the year was ok some comments more attacks but I was used to it.

Year 8:

He spoke to me the guy I liked asked if me and my friends wanted to go to his party so I said yeah my friends said no no no yeah no no so only me and FRIEND1 went we had fun FRIEND1 went home at 7pm I was aloud to stay till 10pm. I drank and got drunk (I know I was underage) anyway my crush found me at about 9pm trying to climb a wall about 6ft lol.

He said come inside so I did I followed him to his room. BIG MISTAKE. He told me I was pretty and that he liked me I said I liked him to. He kissed me I missed back I let him touch me my back stomach legs chest but not between my legs I knew not to. He left to tell everyone to start leaving and to help tidy he was gone for at least 30mins tops one of his friends can in completely drunk and walked over to me he asked me if I wanted to have fun I said yeah (I didn't know what he meant) he told me we were gonna play a game but I had to be in my underwear so I did he then lied my on the bed and started kissing me I tried to get him to stop but he was to strong I cried but couldn't scream I was that scared he's took off my bra first then my nickers he took of his boxers and told me to suck his thing I refused so he stuck it in my mouth I bit it and he said not to or he'll do something bad to me so I didn't I obeyed he made me sallow his stuff then he went to my v and put his d in it it hurt I screamed and cried he went fast I heard my crush yelling my name trying to find me he did and stopped in the door way I screamed and screamed I was in so much pain my crush ( let's call him BOY1) yelled at his friend to get off me when he did BOY1 puchex him over and over then told him to get out and never come back. I was crying and ran to the bathroom I vomited a few times BOY1 let me shower and brush my teeth. After I was dressed and dry he hugged me and said he was sorry for leaving me alone. He took me home and told my parents what happened they didn't blame him they thanked him I went to the police and told them everything the boy that raped me got arrested and BOY1 is my boyfriend I'm now in year 10 BOY1 is in his second year of collage he protects me and I love him for it he still doesn't touch me down below or near there as he doesn't want to hurt me or scare me and I'm grateful.

What type of bullying did you experience?

Physical, teasing, name calling.

How old were you when the bullying started?

11-12 when I was raped I was 13.

Who bullied you?

Classmates, friends.

How did you fell whilst being bullied?

Waste of space, useless, slut.

How did you feel after being bullied? 

Relived it was over scared it was gonna happen again and different.

Have you told anyone you were bullied?

Yes. My boyfriend BOY1 after I was raped parents after I told BOY1 police teachers friends.


It kinda led up to that as BOY1 attacked the guy raping me he told my parents so I spoke to the police who informed the teachers and I td my friends. How long where you bullied for 4 years (I was 14 when the rumours stopped as well as the name calling).

Are you still being bullied? 

No thank god it's over.

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