Story 226

464 16 3

When I was in 7th grade I made this friend. She was nice but then she took all my other friends and made them turn against me. I made new friends after that then she would turn them against me also by saying rumors that were not true. Later in the middle of the school year I was a victim of physical bullying. They would sometime slam me in the hallways and hit me. I was once locked in the bathroom and shut off the lights. I couldn't see and I was suddenly grabbed and was given a toilet swirly 15 times. When they were done they called me Bitch and slut. That's when I started cutting and stop eating. They continued to hurt me and call me names. At the beginning of 8th grade I was walking home from school and they tackled me and stripped me. They then put my underwear on my head and made me walk by a group of guys. Then they took my clothes with them and I ran home crying. That's when I finally told my dad. He talked to the principal and the guidance councilor. They brought the 8 girls in and I told my story. They acted like nothing was wrong and that I was overreacting and of course they believed them. When I told my dad he said that he could take me out of public school and put me on online classes or the charter school. I chose the charter school and I started going there. Turns out the main girl knew some people in the charter school and told rumors that then spread around the school. Everybody at the charter school despised me cause of the different rumors on why I started going there. I finished 8th grade there. I was still cutting and I tried to take my life but my dad caught me. He made me go to a doctor and they helped me. I ended up taking online classes in 9th grade. We then got a new neighbor that was the same age as me. At first I didn't want to talk to her and my dad made me. We eventually became really good friends and she wanted me to go back to public school in 10th grade. I was regretting saying I would. I went back and the girls that were bullying me started bullying me again. But this time my friend stood up for me. They stopped eventually. I started eating normally again and stopped cutting. :)

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