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So I was like 7 at the time I got teased a little bit by the older kids like Hey Weirdo or Get a life

But I dealt with it and it got worse people kept bullying me because I got good grades and got to skip a class. And they were like older.I was a kid so I would easily start to cry.

So they called me other names like Crybaby.

After a while there was this new girl that transferred schools. My friends and I thought she was nice but she was a nightmare. She was the second bully.

Bully number 1 would Scream get a life or laugh at me.

But bully nr. 2 was worse she would laugh at me and Pick on me whenever wherever.

Well after a time the bullying had stopped and before Bully nr 1 went to this school there was another incident.

I was a happy 7 year old and me and my friend lets just call him Friend 1 were trying to make a dance so he came over to me.

At the end of that day we were getting our ,,Luizenzakken''

Washed.Those are bags were you put your bag and jacket inside.

The teacher came to me and

told me that there was an used Tampon inside mine.

I was like 7 I did not really know where it cam from Ewww.

My jacket was all bloody.

And I did not know where the blood came from.

The teacher and my mom told me that they think some people just put it in one bag and they did not know it was yours. Well after bully 2 was here for like a few months.

It happened.

I came home I was close to turning 8 I was really mature for my age.

Well I was just reading a book and apparentelly someone had put Dangerous pills for mentall illness in my Bag.

If you are a normal person and eat those you would nearly die.

Seriously wishing that a 7 year old dies.

And then I transferred schools.

No I am currently not being bullied.

ADVICE: Never let a bully win especially if they are older.

You need a smart quick and effective comeback

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