Story 156

717 28 5

Recently I have been getting many messages on social media telling me to commit suicide... Its very hard for me to understand what I did when I don't know these people... This guy got mad when I would have sex with him and screamed in front of everyone " NO YOU CANT GIVE ME A BLO***B" I ran away so scared people were laughing ans takin pictures of me... I was walking home a few hours later and I was sexually assaulted... I was so scared I thought I was the same guy luckily it wasn't but it didn't make It any better... After that I had to be very careful who I spoke to... I shut down I lost all my friends my boyfriend dumped me and my family moved away too even my grades suffered... I knew I had to pull everything back but I couldnt. Then came it... The day we went to court cane for him to go to jail and he smiled and blew me kisses I ran out crying so hard I ran into a cop and even he treated me horribly he pushed me away from him hitting my breasts I was scared so I ran as fast as I could out of there. That's the end of my story on here thank you for reading my life and tho this isn't even a sixteenth of my living hell its somethin less I have to carry...

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