Story 23

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I started getting bullied in the 4th Grade. At first, I didn't even realized I was getting bullied. But I guess some bullies aren't that direct with their bullying.
My first bully was my best friend since Kinder. I wasn't as smart, or as popular as her but I still thought we were friends. Until I found out that she was spreading rumors about me. That I was "weird",a freak(a lot of other things too), and we weren't even friends! I confronted her about it and she just said 'I was just mad at you'.
At another point, in 4th Grade, one of my newer friends started banging against the bathroom stall door(which I was in) making the lock pop out making the door open. I had to hold the door back, asking her to stop over and over. When she finally did I just finished my business and left the stall crying my eyes out.The person who did that, didn't even know that what she did was considered ''bullying'' and apologize to me after my mom brought up what happened to the principal.
The next time I was bullied was in 6th Grade and people were laughing at the way I sounded, the way I looked, everything! I started doubting my looks and I just felt really bad about myself. I guess, it still affects me even now when I heard rumors that are being spread about me. I started crying a lot whenever I got home, and took every word someone tells me seriously.
Someone at one point, when I was walking home from school, leaned out of their car and called me "A mental retard". At first I thought I misheard them and shouted back "Excuse me?" which they just laughed at.
The sad part about that is just I don't even know the person, I recognized the voice, but I never actually SPOKE with that person!
Now I just try not to let the rumors bother me because I just tell myself the following:
I'm a girl who has As and Bs in ALL her classes
I'm in several honor programs and I have a few friends.Not a lot but a few.
I've been recruited to join the competition for Miss. (My state).
So life will get better, alright? The people who bully others probably either A, don't know what they are saying or doing to you is considered bullying. After all, some just believe that they are ''messing around'' and don't think what they are saying or doing to you is hurting you, which it does.
Or B, they are just jealous of you for some reason, or they probably have a bad home life and need to get rid of what they are feeling.
My situation was more like A, not much of B(Because I haven't been "physically" harmed), but it doesn't matter why they are bullying it shouldn't be done at all. Some cases of bullying can go to the extreme, I know a few people who were bullied really badly and people shouldn't be bullying at all.
Trust me, things will get better for you if your being bullied, alright? Maybe not right away, but just try talking to someone about what's happening to you, or talk to an adult about it if it gets to the extreme.

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