Submission 641

388 11 5

What type of bullying did you experience (cyberbullying, teasing, name calling, physical altercations, etc.)? 

 Its mainly been teasing and name calling but its getting closer and closer to physical each day.

How old were you when the bullying started? 

It has just recently started.

Who bullied you (please be vague by using terms such as old friend, classmate, neighbor etc.)? 

My main bully is my classmate and its sad because some of my (ex) friends join her aswell.

What do the bullies say to you? 

They tease me and personally make me feel bad about myself.

How did you feel while you were being bullied?

I felt scared and nervous because its mainly just teasing but it can easily become more.

Have you told anyone you know that you were bullied? 

Yes, I actually talked to my bully's cousin about it and she told me she felt the same way. (Apparently she has other victims) She suggested we make a stand and tell the principal but we are still deciding on whether or not to say anything.

Are you still being bullied? 

Yes I am it's gotten to a point were school is scary and going to the park with my friends isn't and option anymore. I'm just scared of what she and her friends could do to me.

QUESTION: Should I tell someone (Parents, Teacher etc) about my situation I'm at a crossroads and I don't know is it's worth a risk.

Thanks ~


*Update submitted two months later:*

Hi yes umm soo I may be wasting your time but I was submission 641 in your book and I would like to thank you( I'm not sure if I can do that but I'm going to because I can lol) After I entered my submission my life has turned around. So the chic that bullied/teased me left the school because something the principal said offended her and she was causing some MAJOR trouble so they basically kicked her out of the school and we rarely hear from her (except from updates by her cousin who is the one I mentioned last time) so after she left I gained all my friends back and we all made like a revolution day to remember what she did so every Friday we wear bandanas and every girl in my class does it And its quite awesome I still have some off days but it's not near as bad as when she was in school. I guess I just gained a lot of confidence after I told my story. ~Thanks For Everything ~ _lashton_dimples_

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