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 It all started in 6th grade and I had moved to live with my dad and that ment leaving my only friend and leaving my mom. I begged my mom not to make me but she did. So it was eventually my first day at a new school and it was really nerve wrecking. I was late so i had to run to my class when i got in everyone looked at me like i was a alien or something. The teacher just told me to sit. I was happy cause it was in the back of the class where I usually sit. I sat between to boys the one on my right looked cute the other was ok but not my type. The one on the right handed me a note. (aka boy1) It said "Hey" I just smiled to myself as I wrote "Hey" back. He grabbed it then wrote back. It said " I want to ask you something at lunch" I looked at and shaked my head ok. When lunch had finally came I walked up to him and he just said "Get this little freak away from me." I just turned around and walked out as every one laughed. I hate being called freak because that is what all my siblings call me. I was so confused he was just so nice to me all I could do was cry. I cried untill i felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see a girl my hight. She said told me that he used to be her boyfriend but he dumped her for who was going to be bully2. (Bully1 was boy1) We went to a bench and started to talk we didn't go to the rest of our periods. When school ended we exchanged numbers then split up she had to go to the store for her mom. She became my only friend. I just did my homework and then went to bed. When I got to school I noticed friend1 wasn't here neither was here and bully1&2 were gone

to I was happy so happy omg so happy they have been gone for like 2 weeks it was finally monday i thought that they all just transferred to another school or somthing but they were there and friend1 wasn't allday till it was lunch. When I sat down bully1 came and told me I was this and that and this that it got annoying I yelled for him to shut up only to be slapped and called a bitch. I was alarmed so I reacted and punched him in the face he got up and punched me marking a bruise on my face. I was on the ground when his girlfriend came and started to kick me. I coughed up blood and a teacher pulled her off me. She ended up not getting in trouble and kept bullying me. Im now in 7th and she left the school and he doesn't even look at me i still get bullied but no one has put their hands on me even if it has only been two day's. I hope this year is better. 

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