Submission 604

456 12 9

I did submission 597, and I decided to tell the story.

Middle school sucked. I had (have) a stutter that impared me when I talked and everyone learned new words and labels that they decided to test out on the weak...aka me. The bullying never really started until sixth grade, and I was bullied by my teacher then. She kept telling me things like "You're not smart enough to do this." and calling me her "stutterbug" and continuously failed me on purpose, even when I had the same answers as the people who got 100%. Then, the students started getting involved. Kids would imitate my stutter and make my life hell. The summer cooled down a bit but then in seventh grade, it only got worse.

Seventh grade was terrible. People had just learned how to use "slut" and "whore", so no matter what I wore people would still call me that. People also told me to kill myself, almost daily. One kid pretended to shoot me in the head. The one thing that I will never forget is one kid threatening to rape me. I went home crying to my mom and she told the principal. He did jack shit. He gave us a dress code assembly and gave us a speech with this exact quote: "In order to prevent the boys from being distracted, the girls need to cover up." and the slut shaming didn't stop.

Eighth grade was a shitstorm of hell. There was one girl in my gym class who kept picking on me for mo reason. She called me a "twig bitch" and convinved all her friends to do the same. There was a different girl who tried to turn all of her friends against me. There was also the "Hot or Not" list, where I was rated number one on the "Not" part. At that point, I was having constant panic attacks and I was almost taken out of gym. That year was also the year that I had the biggest asshole science teacher ever. He was almost a clone of my sixth grade teacher, except he would deny me help and shoo me away to watch sports on his computer. The principal again, didn't do shit. Then I snapped. I scratched my wrists and legs until they bled and had a panic attack that finally led my parents to call a therapist.

Now, a few months later, I'm in therapy and the bullying has stopped. High school is so much better and I met people who actually care. I got a boyfriend who knows about what happened and it got better. So my advice for people is to hold on because it will get better. Trust me, I lived it.

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