Story 32

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Hi my name is claudia I was bullied by my x BFF now and just in everyday life after that it all started about a month after my 13 birthday ( so in august it started ) I texted my BFF let's call her FRIEND1 asking her why she had been ignoring me all week ( it was a Wednesday ) at lunch time after school I got a text back saying that she hadn't been ignoring me and that I had been ignoring her so I texted her saying that I hadn't latter that day when I was on the bus on my way to dancing she texted again saying all this mean stuff she started accusing me of stuff saying that I might not remember but u called me fat, ugly and a slut I just best into tears I didn't no what to do I was shocked that she thought that I would do that I texted her back saying that I would never do that to my best friend latter I got off the bus and when I got to the dance hall I got to the car where my mum was and me being me I burst into tears again I told mum the whole story all the texts everything she told me that I should give her a call so latter that night I did she just quest saying that I did say all the stuff I just keep ed on saying how could I say that to my best friend in the end I just hung up I cried the hole phone call to make matters worse the next day we had to do office duty together ( that's when we had to go to school and be there by 8:00 am in the morning and answer all the calls in the office ) and she was my partner we didn't say a word to each other for the rest of the year we got heaps of prank calls from her all my friends that where friends with her took her side cos she told them a different story to what actually happened I also got called a slut backstabbing hore a BITCH and much much more it was really hard for me because her mum and dad where like my second parents and her sister was like a sister to me as well but at the beginning of the year we went to different high schools so things seem to be slowly getting better now Im still teased but it will get better.

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