Submission 1005

569 8 3

What type of bullying did you experience?

- Cyber, physical, verbal.

How old were you when the bullying started?

- I was about 5

Who bullied you?

- Classmates, parents.

What would the bullies day or do to you?

- They'd tease me about my last name, for having social anxiety and depression (current), for being mute/not talking, for not being good at sports, having panic attacks, being scared, being nerdy, liking things they didn't (pokemon, anime, books, writing, etc.), they'd push me around and sometimes I'd get slapped or hit/kicked or have things thrown at me, they would call me a nerd, the quiet girl, the fat girl, the depressed girl, and a few times I'd get called worthless. My parents would call me fat and say I should stop eating so much and they would favorite my brothers and call me selfish, stupid, etc.

How did you feel while being bullied?

- I felt horrible and defenseless, pretty much worthless.

How did you feel after being bullied?

- I felt like everyone wanted me to die or they wished I wouldn't exist.

Did anything help me cope with that feeling?

- Nothing did. I didn't have friends and I didn't want to tell anyone. Nothing helped except writing, reading, or watching movies/shows. Nothing helped until I got on Wattpad and made a best friend, who is still my best friend to this day. I've known her for a year now and talking to her is the one thing keeping me happy.

Have you ever self-harmed or fallen into a state of depression as a result of being bullied?

-I've self harmed before, but I've stopped now. I've also stopped eating before but I eat a bit more now than before. Being bullied has always made me depressed and I can't help but think I should die.

Have you ever contemplated suicide as a result of being bullied?

-Yes, although I've never attempted it. I've always thought one day I'd end up committing suicide but I'll stay strong for others and for myself.

Have you told anyone that you were bullied?

-Only my Wattpad friend and now.

Why/why not?

-I've always been scared and I never wanted to admit I was being bullied by anyone, but sometimes you need to let it all out

How long were you bullied?

- From age 5 to now (middleschool)

Are you still being bullied?


QUESTION: My friends I currently talk to are also against things like gay and gender fluid/trans and I'm a pansexual gender fluid...I don't know how to come out to them or if I can because I fear that they'll hate me. What should I do?

ADVICE: You just have to have hope. Never give up, not even if youre about to. Not ever. Always have hope and stay strong. Survive for yourself and everyone else to show them that what they say or do cant affect you because youre stronger than that.

BULLIEDWhere stories live. Discover now