Story 311

477 17 3

When I was in elementary school I went to a chatholic school so there wasn't a lot of us am you were stuck with the same class mates for 7 years. I used to get along with everyone...until fifth grade.

In fifth grade we had a new student. He and I became fast friends. He and I and another guy were like the three musketeers. we were best of friends. This other girl in my class got really jealous and started Turning everyone on me....she made my life Long best friend hate me...

she was jealous that this new kid and I were like brother and sister. she liked him....a lot.

She started telling everyone things that weren't true. she told my best friend so many lies....I lost her. she told people I talked behind their backs and that I was a slut and I was a flirt and I was only friends with people to be popular.

She would glare at me everyday, she would walk by my and whisper under her break, calling me names or saying I was ugly or fat or stupid. She got everyone to believe it. by the time 6th grade came around...I have no one left.

in 6th grade I started writing my own stories on wattpad. wattpad was the place I felt I could do something I loved and not get judged by anyone. I was wrong.

The bully found my account and made everyone read my story. people started teasing me about it. they would call me names and call me a geek, tell me my story was stupid, say that I had no writing talent.... they would make accounts just took moment on my story and tell me how much it sucked and how I should stop writing and delete the story.

I did...I deleted my story and I stopped writing for months. At school people started pushing me around physically and continued the name calling and would run away from me at recess and I would sit by myself at lunch.

I ended up looking to self harm for relief. I felt worthless and like I had no one. That is something I regret. I told my mom and she didn't do anything about it. I told my teacher and she didn't do anything either.

When sixth grade was over, I had the whole summer to rethink everything. I picked up writing again, I stopped self harm, and I made so many friends. I ignored everyone who had made me feel worthless and I became hopefull...happy even. those two years were the worst two years...they made me feel worthless, I was depressed and didn't have anywhere left to turn. but once it was was the best feeling.

don't let bullies keep you from being you...don't let them keep you from doing what you love. it gets better..I promise. and don't turn to suicide or self harm...please.

It got so much better for will for you too. I made so many new friends who care about and love me. You'll have it too. I promise :) <3

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