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A few weeks ago, I posted song lyrics on Instagram. The lyrics were from "Wolf in Sheep's Clothing" by Set It Off. The lyrics were "If I could kill you, I would, but it's frowned upon in all fifty states." I didn't think it was bad because I said that they were just lyrics and I thought everyone would understand.

A week or two later, I was called down to the assistant principal's office. I sat down in the chair and waited for her to talk to me. She said she had to go get someone and she left. She came back a minute later and it was a cop!

They started off by saying that I wasn't in trouble and they just wanted to talk to me. That is never a good thing.

The cop asked me what the story is with "ExFriend" (who I will call EF). I started crying because it was still fresh in my mind. (We had a falling out because she was mean to me and constantly got mad at me for nothing!)

Well, they kept talking to me and eventually they asked about my second Instagram account (the one I posted the lyrics on).

And then I was accused of cyber bullying and sending EF death threats. DEATH THREATS! Just because we "have a history"!

I had to defend myself and say that I was just posting song lyrics, which I was. And the whole time I was crying. That was the worst.

When the two of them decided they believed that I wasn't going to murder EF, the police officer left. I stayed in the assistant principal's office so I could stop crying before I had to go to class. I then got lectured on how what I post can affect people, which I agree with, but I SAID THEY WERE SONG LYRICS WHEN I POSTED THEM!!!

I thought EF knew me well enough to know that I'm not going to kill someone, but I guess not.

And now she's trying to be my friend again, but that's not going to happen. I gave her too many chances.

We were friends for about 4 years and I don't know why. She was always awful to me. She's the reason that I had contemplated self-harm so many times. (But I never did). She's the reason I cried myself to sleep. She's the reason I could have gone to jail because I "cyber bullied" her!

I've been kind of depressed again ever since, but my friends have made it better. Idk what to do to make myself feel good again.

And I don't know if this counts as bullying, but I think it should count as some type. Thanks for reading and caring. :)

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