Story 290

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My bullying started way back in kindergarten, as in the very first week on my very first year of actual school. A gang of third graders chased me down and beat me with anything they could find. I was hit with sticks and kicked in the stomach. There were some points where I thought my life was going to end. Luckily my parents got me away from the bullies as the only way they had gotten to me was through their afterschool program.

I know why they hurt me so hard.

They were nice to me at first, practically friendly until they noticed my hearing aids, if you don't know what they are, hearing aids help people with hearing loss (like me) hear better.

I thought the bullying would stop after I got away from the group. I have never been more wrong in my entire life. All the way up until the summer between second and third grade, I was made fun of for the fact that I can't hear low sounds and due to the sensitivity of my hearing aids, loud sounds were record high and quite painful to hear. The hearing aids themselves were no pass to acceptance, either. They stuck out of my ears and earned me names like "Robot girl" or "Frankenstein" Girls thought I was a freak because I was more interested in learning about nature and how things work instead of learning the lyrics to the latest songs...

I always had a 'friend' or two, but they were just using me because I'm not exactly poor.

The friends that were real I ended up having to stay away from. One girl from first grade actually crawled under the stall door just to watch me poop. Must you know, I never went to many parties that she attended since.

Moving on to third grade, I attended a military school near the water, which ended up having the WORST teacher in the history of the world. Since I was a new student, I would have expected a little "Hello" from her, but no.

The whole school, staff and students, thought I was some social freak and yet they never knew what I had been through.

No real friends, no normal friends, being made fun of because of my disability. It was horrible and I couldnt take it anymore.

Luckily I was given a break. My mother had to move me again, so I became the new student once more, this time to a regular public school. I ended up having a close friend, and nobody really made fun of who I was or what I looked like. only lasted three months. I was transferred to a year round public school in the middle of Nowhere, North Carolina.

I finally passed a hearing test after the hearing aids proved to be defective due to the fact it was way outdated, and was able to attend school and live without them. Score one for me!

The bullying started up again, I thought I would be lucky because my friend ended up being transferred too, but no. Society broke me down and I never had a partner to work with, and I stayed in the shade with quite inaccepting misfits watching the other kids playing, hanging out, doing things that I wasn't able to do.

If I tried to venture into the harsh sunlight, it's glare, as well as a bunch of other glares from the students, would be just enough to bring me back into the shade, because if I came further out, the whole playground would freeze and then start making fun of me. I had my own form of cheese touch!

Then there was that one day on the bus, where I had to sit in the back near a tough girl who...well...went too far. Since those torturous days in kindergarten, I've had anger issues that are triggered on abuse.

Since I wouldn't respond, the girl continued to pester me until she finally slapped me across the face, quite hard must I add.

I jumped onto her and started lunging punches and kicks like a wild animal...the bus had to stop and the driver had to separate me and the girl, who was punching and kicking just as hard, even adding in some biting.

After that the year got easier, there were still a bunch of girls and guys who made fun of me and class assignments were still done alone, but those kids in the shade were my first set of friends...

Friends are a good thing, and all good things must come to an end.

My mother moved me back to the school that I had started in, the one with the terrible afterschool and now eighth grade bullies.

I lost contact with my friends, and the bullying came back, luckily it was rarely physical, besides pushes and shoves.

I currently attend a public middle school with very few real life friends and yet, an army of Internet brothers and sisters who would risk their heart and soul for me.

The craziest thing is, I wear glasses now! Apparently I have been nearsighted in my right eye for most of my life, but I'm just glad people accepted me for that additional wear...

The bullying still continues, but it's been easier to deal with. I've gotten used to lonely lunches and sole class assignments. I've actually done a lot better in my school performance, and I'm proud to say I'm attending honors English next year~

I guess my form of bullying is just because people are too scared to look inside the book with a cover they dislike.

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