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So, my parents are in the military. That means we move, A LOT! I never really got to make any REAL friends. I knew if I got too attached then, it would be harder to leave them. Since I never really had friends, I became a target. People would call me by a name I hated. Everyone always called me Taylor Swift or Tay Tay and it bugged me. I'm just now realizing that I've been bully quite a few times

Kindergarten, a boy a few inches taller than me, was a bully. He always was pretending to bite me. Once, the teacher thought he was talking so, he stopped doing it.

In second grade, new school. A future bully sat right in front of me. I now realize that he was always threatening to kill me. According to rumors(true or not) he said quite a few things a second grader shouldn't even be close enough (age wise) to know about.

Third grade(new school, new state) I thought I had a friend. Let's refer to him as Bully3. So, Bully3 and I went to the same daycare and class together. Well, one day, he pushed me on the ground while we were waiting for the bus. I tried to get back up but he just kept throwing me down. People just watched. So, after he was done, his shoe came off. I took it and made him promise not to do that again. Well, he promised except his fingers were crossed. A teacher came out and I got in trouble. Luckily, Bully3 was suspended and switched classrooms. After third grade, he moved, so did I.

4th-6th grade. I fell into depression. (Present day my friends bug me I had nothing to be depressed about.) I felt like I had no self worth. I wanted to die, but I didn't have the guts to overdose, cut, etc.

Now, I'm in eighth grade. I have good friends, quite a few great friends, actually. My friends do tell me that people call me anorexic behind my back but, now, I don't give a crap about what they say about me. I'm happy and that's what matters.

I know you guys are thinking, that isn't as bad as most of the stories. I know, but I felt like sharing it.

ADVICENo matter what kind of bullying. Teasing, physical, verbal, tell an adult you trust. 

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