Story 247

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I was never really bullied. And, even if I was, the bullying wasn't really severe, mainly just name-calling and all that jazz. In fact, I was the least bullied out of all my friends. My friend, who will henceforth be called Girl, was bullied because she was a 1D fangirl, a really intense 1D fangirl, and the first intense fangirl I'd ever met, and my other friend, Guy, was bullied because he was just plain weird. I'm not judging, I was, too. It might have been my fault he was that way. I was definitely the weirdest of our group.

You see, I was in this group, but I was also in another, actually, two others, but the third one isn't all too relevant right now. The two people in this group I was friends with because of mutual interests, such as Pokémon battling and free pizza, which I fished out of the garbage, but, shh, not everyone knows that. People at my new school do, though. I eat that pizza out in the open! Along with other foods! *fantasizing* Carrots...

Anyways, I'm getting off-topic. Oh, wait, crap, Gravity Falls shut off. I've got to go fix it.

Okay, it's fixed. Gravity Falls is an amazing show...

Oh, crap! *slaps self* Focus, Kimmie, focus!

Okay, I'm gonna continue, now, okay?


So, my second group of friends, Dude and Dudette, which suits them perfectly because they were these complete fakers, putting up these facades of being tough, and heaven knows they weren't. At first, it seemed that all we were going to be doing was Pokemon battles, but then Dude brought up the topic of his pool, and from there, a full-blown bragging war erupted between the three of us. To tell you the truth, I got bored five seconds in, so I, being the bookworm I am, pulled out a copy of one of the Heroes of Olympus books. I'm not sure which one, but I think that it was The Mark of Athena. Doesn't matter. Not yet, anyway.

Fast forward to about a month later. Guy had been transfered into our math class, which happened to take place before lunch, which was when the Bragging Wars were taking place.


*slaps self* Focus.

So, I think that everyone knows about how rumors get around, right? Well, somehow, rumors got started that Guy was actually more weird than I was. I mean, yeah, he did lick people's elbows, but that was an experiment, and so was the whole arm-painting thing, and eating the paper bag! okay, so, maybe he was more weird than me. Who knows. But that's not what this is about! This is about my fracking sixth grade year! And my friends! Getting bullied! By my other friends! Oh, well, crap. I basically just told you what happened. I'm still going to continue, because you don't know who was getting bullied by who, but I bet that you can guess.

Our math class was literally the popular kids and me, until Guy showed up, and then it all changed. He was my friend, and no one else seemed to accept him, except for me and Girl, who had math at a different time, with a different teacher. So, really, it was me and Guy against everyone else. Well, not really against. Not yet, anyway. I guess people didn't sit with him because they were either disgusted or afraid. I don't know what they would have to be afraid of, other than being licked or painted on, so I'm guessing that it was disgust. Honestly, most of the people at that school were such jerks. That included Dude and Dudette.

And I guess that you people can guess what happened next.

Dude and Dudette wouldn't let Guy sit with us, and, literally, the only seats left were next to me, so I let Guy sit there, anyway. We weren't allowed to go to other tables, so that's the only place he could sit.

Then the teasing and the bullying began. It wasn't directed towards me, it was directed towards him, but the gun was facing my way when I chose to stand up for him. Not an actual gun, but you get the idea. It didn't help that they found out that I got food from the trash.

I can justify that. Oh, I can justify it so well. There's no point in those stupid anorexic girls refusing to eat perfectly good food, just letting it go to waste, and I wasn't going to stand for it. I mean, so much food was getting thrown out, and it was all fine! Nothing was undercooked, and the worst that had happened was getting some ranch on a slice of pizza. I didn't care, I still ate it. I like food, it's the third most important item in my life. That doesn't include people or myself. When they found out about that, Guy joined in with me in eating it, but Dude and Dudette practically began shunning me. I didn't care. Now I knew where their lyalties lay, or lied, or whatever.

I just lied to you people. I'm normally a loner. I could have skipped ahead through some of the grades, I certainly have the brains to do it (look at me, bragging like a boss), but I had to stay behind for social reasons. I used to have no friends at all, so losing one really hurt me. Losing two was like losing half of my body. I was in peices, though not visibly. I've always concealed my emotion.

Hey, wait a second! This isn't about me! It's about Guy, and how he got bullied. This isn't about me. Not yet.

Soon enough, the bullying wasn't only in my math class, it was in every other class we had togehter. People seemed to leave us alone in fifth period, when he had a science elective enrichment course thing, and I had band. Keep the fact that I had band stored away in your minds, my pretties- oops, I meant, my valued readers.

We had pretty much every class together, for a month, each of us taking the brutal beatings from our classmates, and then I transferred out of gym and into a filming class. I can only hope that, for him, everything got better. For me, it certainly did. I was still being called "The Weird Kid's Girlfriend", which, one, didn't make any sense at all, if he was anyone's boyfriend, he would have been Girl's, and, two, I'm Mormon. (The proper term is LDS, but I don't really care, Mormon is easier to say.) I'm not allowed to date until I'm sixteen. And, even if I wasn't, I wouldn't choose to date anyone. I personally haven't fallen in love yet, at the age of twelve.

Crap, girl, get your head out of the clouds and stay focused! (Inner voice: But the clouds are so nice and wet!)

Now, Guy's story is over, and mine isn't worth reading. It isn't worth typing, either, so I'm not going to. I'm going to hit the send button on this thing, where ever it is, and go eat some food. Peace, peoples.

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