Submission 1069

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so I was cyberbullied just before 2016 started. the bully decided to talk about me to my friend so I stepped in. he called me fat, he made me feel worthless at some points, tried to convince me that my own friend hated me, and that he accused me of being gay, which isn't so bad but I was pretty offended. I've been bullied beforehand throughout 2013-15 where kids would shove me, call me rude names and make me feel like I was nothing and just at a Halloween party one of the people humiliated me by dumping pop on me and trying to beat me up which I tried to defend myself. it was a while back but I was still being bullied, I hurt myself. I had suicidal thoughts. I actually tried to kill myself but I thought of people that made me happy, made me feel like something. I then stopped. I went and sat in my room and cried and cried. I hated myself for trying. I'm still being bullied but I've been clean for almost a year now and I ignore all the rude people. there is hope for you! it may seem awful now, but it's gonna be so much better once you push through it and everything. I have no self confidence or self esteem anymore thanks to them. I'm so insecure now. but, I'm slowly working on loving myself! take this as motivation that you will be happy, you will love yourself, they will stop. slowly, but surely! you are beautiful the way you are and no matter your race, body type, sexuality, gender, or religion, etc., you're still beautiful and wonderful just the way you are. you can't be happy until you love yourself! you just can't care what they think and embrace your inner dork or embrace your inner loud self!

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