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I still can't get over the fact that I was bullied by some of the people that I thought were my friends. Here's how my bullying all started.

My bullying started when I was in Pre-K, but it wasn't that bad and I didn't know what bullying was back then, so I was kind of lost and confused.

The bullying got worse when the bully hit puberty and the bully hit puberty when we were in fourth grade.

She would call me really ugly names like, whore, stupid, go fuck yourself, asshole, bitch, fuck you, motherfucker, bastard, and many more disgusting words.

There would never be a day where I would walk home from school crying. I truly didn't want my family to see I was crying so I wiped my eyes when I got on the bus.

Some of my close friends didn't know what was happening to me because I didn't want them to get involved. I was already getting badly hurt and I don't want them to feel like they are bad friends.

When I was in fifth grade, it just got constantly worse that I just cut myself every single day and hide it from my parents. I would wear long sleeves and they wouldn't noticed especially since it was winter.

We had a really bad counselor that really didn't help with my situation at that the time, so really I just felt hopeless.

At first, the bullying would start just in school, but when the bully noticed there was social media, she made an account just to taunt me.

My life wasn't normal because it was being taunted by some bully that didn't know my whole life story.

My family was already going through a tough time and me getting bullied is just making it worse. My uncle was a really bad drug addict and he was so bad that he would yell and hit my grandmother, which at the time was around 50.

There was a really bad time when my uncle came home really drug and our family wanted to have chat with him. We made him sit down and throw a hunk of cash on the table.

My grandmother asked him why are we losing money from Vietnam. We used to save that money up for poor people and for our house that we were currently living in right now.

My uncle probably lost it because he took the money from my grandmother's hand and ripped every single bit from it. She was on her knees sobbing. I couldn't believe my eyes and my aunt (now is not my aunt anymore) hold me in her arms.

My uncle stupidly enough just went down the basement with my aunt and my mom closed the door and locked it.

Throughout the night, he would yell and bang on the door. I was terrified with no clue what to do.

The next day got progressively bad and I just got bullied to the point that I would get red bruises on my arms. When my parents would question that, I would just tell them it was a rash. They believed me because I was allergic to perfume so they understood.

A couple years have pasted and I'm in eight grade. Ready to graduate from middle school and ready to move out of New Jersey. The bullies, since they were much bigger than me, would pick me up, when the teachers aren't looking, and throw me against the lockers.

In the middle of eighth grade, I couldn't take it anymore, so I went up to the bathroom and I tried to kill myself. When the blade got close to my arms, I stopped myself because I knew what I was doing. I was letting the bully win because the bully did mention online that everyone would be better off if I was dead. I wasn't going to let that happen, so when my mom got home, I told her what had happened and she told me that I need to stand up and that's what I did the next day. Here's what happened:

"Hey bastard! You motherfucker, why are you still alive? Can't you see nobody wants you!" the bullies all laughed.

"Hey [insert bully name]! Stop it! You are not making the situation any better! Haven't your parents taught you better? I cannot believe that your parents have even let you to curse. I'm calling the counselor because I cannot take this anymore!" I came to nearly shouting and the counselor came out.

In eighth grade, the old counselor retired and we had a new counselor which was amazing because the counselor did everything the counselor can. The counselor called all three of the bullies' parents and their parents took away their phones, computers, TVs, like everything away from them.

Their parents were angry and I'm glad that they taught their kids the best for them.

So you're probably wondering, am I still going to the same school as the bully? No I'm not. I moved to North Carolina in July 2014. I was originally from Atlantic City, New Jersey. I did not want to go to Atlantic for two reasons and you know one of the reasons already. One of them is the bully and that the high school over there is so bad that I cannot go over there.

I'm a sophomore living a happy life and I'm still in the progress of making new friends at my NEW school. Yes the school that I am currently going to is only three years old. It opened in 2013.

I couldn't bare to sit a class where the teacher doesn't know my back story, so I told every teacher about my story and I feel much comfortable in their class.

Oh yeah and also I want to point out. If you are being bullied, DO NOT turn to suicide because you are basically letting the bully win. And they will not care that you are gone. DO NOT DO THAT TO YOURSELF!


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