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This story might be very long so I'd like to apologize in advance for that, but trust me its worth the read. I guess I'd better start with when I was in First class (this will all be in the Irish school system so ill try and translate as best as I can) it is the equivalent to second grade (America) I'd always been best friends with 3 girls, friend1, my best friend since we were 2 years old, friend2, I met her in school, and friend 3 who moved away the summer just passed. It was the first day and there was a new girl, Bully1. She'd come from an unstable home and lived with her aunt and uncle. She was always mean to everyone that year. I didn't even know what bullying was, I was happy with my friends.

Second class, our teacher was a stupid cow and put Bully1 sitting next to me since I was a HUGE goodies two shoes teachers pet at the time. Bully1 would always distract me from my work and/or pull my hair etc. just little things like that. I told my Mam, who wrote into the teacger asking for one of us to be moved. Long story short the dumb teacher kept on sitting her beside me so eventually my mam just gave up.

Third class, I'd become sick of all the girls bitching and causing cat fights every day, so I became friends with two boys, boy1 and boy2. These guys became my best friends and we were all inseparable. I was definitely the 'tomboy' of my class. This led to a lot of insults being thrown at me by a lot of the other boys. I don't remember most of what they said but one thing I will never forget was one boy (honestly I don't remember who) telling me (baring in mind I was 8 or 9 and was and still am very vulnerable and sensitive) that I 'probably should have been born a boy and maybe I should get a sex change' I laughed along but it kind of hurt deep down. I've never told anyone to this day. Anyway, One day I was playing with the boys and friend1 and friend2 along with Bully1 came and asked me why I never played with them. I answered with 'I'd just rather be with *boys names*' they started chasing me, which I didn't mind, I actually quite enjoyed it. That was, they started pulling at my jacket and wouldn't let go. Eventually I got away. A few minutes later friend2 came and told me that Bully1 wanted to choke me. Two minutes later bully1 came up behind me and grabbed me by the arms, I could feel her hands moving upward, towards my neck. So I punched her as hard as I could and ran away. When the bell rang for lunch to end i was walking with the boys when I saw Bully 1 with her 'clique' with the principal, talking to him and pointing towards me. Bully 1 was crying. I was glad I'd hurt her. In the end I got in trouble and almost got suspended. That's where my teachers pet days ended.

Fourth class I was on good terms with everyone and I started 'hanging' with the girls again (we were dumb nine and ten year Olds who thought we were too old for 'playing') One girl who ill refer to as bully 2 was having a big party for her eleventh birthday (she was a year older than everyone else except bully1) she invited everyone in our little group, except me. Our group was Bully 1, bully2, friend1, friend2 and a girl that doesn't even matter in this story. Bully 2 never shut up about her stupid birthday party so I left the group and started playing with the boys again. Bully 2 started to hate my guts (partially because she had and still has a crush on boy1) One day me, boy1 and boy2 were playing catch and Bully2 came up, grabbed me and pushed me against a stone wall. She shoved her lowed arm horizontally against my neck so I could barely breath. I kept trying to ask her what she wanted but I physically couldn't. She started screaming in my face repeatedly 'ARE THEY YOUR FRIENDS?!' And when I didn't answer she only screamed louder. I was like 'who?' At this stage the screaming had attracted lots of attention from people but the only people who came over were the other people from that group. They made a little semi circle around bully2 and watched her hurt me with a grin on her face. She was talking more quietly now and calling me 'ugly' and 'bitch' and 'little fucking shitbag' I looked at friend1 for help. I expected her, my friend of 7 or 8 years to at least tell her to stop, nope, she just looked at the ground. I shouted 'help!' And the boys heard me and boy2 came rushing over and pushed through the group to find me. Boy1 was with me too by now and I kicked bully2 out of the way and ran. I got more insults like 'ugly' and 'lick arse' thrown at me by her and her little group. I was crying and wouldn't talk to anyone at all, not even my friends. When I got home my Mam noticed how quiet I was so she asked what was wrong. I told her I was fine but halfway through saying that I broke down crying and told her everything. She was angry as hell. She talked to the teacher and Bully 2 barely got in trouble. I got called more names but I mean like I didn't really care at that stage. Bully2 left at the end of that year.

Fifth class was pretty good until I made friends with two girls in the other class, C and L. C was the most popular girl in School, she was an amazing singer, she was smart and pretty and an amazingly nice person. L was also very smart and kinda rude but I had made two new friends that loved reading as much as I did and I was happy. Bully1 gave me a lot of trouble over me being friends with these girls as they were in the other class. My only friends in my class of 22 were Boy1 (boy2 and I grew apart) and another girl we will call blonde. Blonde joined the little group I had with L, C and a few older kids who were just as nerdy as the rest of us.

Sixth class was amazing,mostly, best year of my life for sure. About 3 weeks in bully1 apologized and I accepted her apology. C and I grew apart but we still talk sometimes. Blonde and I remained best friends and me her and boy 1 are all super close. The only problem was L. L turned out to be a lying, sly, deceiving, mother#%*€^~! Bitch. She told blonde that she wanted to slit my throat with a knife and watch me bleed to death. I told my Mam and I was scared to go into school the next day. L cried and told the teacher that we just wanted her to get in trouble and that she would never say anything like that, so she didn't get in trouble. But apart from that sixth class was great. I became close friends with some of the funnier and more popular people in the class and I was finally accepted by everyone for who I was. My friends all love me and I love them too. They all supported me through everything, from test results, to my first boyfriend. In two or three weeks I'm going into a new school with all new people and I won't know any of them, I am nervous but excited. For anyone that's going through or has gone through bullying, just remember this. Every day you should look at yourself in the mirror and think ' I am a strong amazing person who has made it this far.' And just remember that you can make it through anything. My wattpad is Fanofstuff798 and if anyone ever needs to talk, or even just wants a friend, my PM is always open for everyone. This story is by me, a 12 year old who has survived this much, even when I felt like I couldn't.

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