Submission 541

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Hey , it 533 again . I have another story to tell , but this is really deep. I need to get it off my chest. I've never told anyone before but seeing all the support and stories on her makes me comfortable with sharing it with you guys.

About 1 year ago. October 5 2014... You may ask why I remember the date well you're about to find out .

So I had a group of friend , there was my Bestfriend, my bf, and a few others, this one person in our group (let's call this person bully1) ... Well bully1 has been in my family for years . My mom considered him as another son , she would even let him spent the night because my mom trusted him so much. Well on this night .. That changed.

My mom allowed bully1 to sleep over . Me and him would play video games and all that other friend stuff . Well we were cuddling on the couch(just as friends cause that's normal) and he started feeling me up ... And stuff like that .. I begged him to stop .. I was crying .. But it was so dark he probably couldn't see me .. Well anyways basically what I'm trying to say is .. He took advantage of me ..

I didn't tell anyone for 4 months . Then I finally told someone ( BIG MISTAKE) this person told everyone else about it .. So everyone knew what had happened

This is where the cyber bullying starts. A couple people would message me saying it was my fault , telling me to kill myself , that I'm trash. They said that I could have did something to provent it . Like okay . What was I suppose to do in that situation, get up and go tell someone ? I was frozen in time because I was so shocked on what was actually happening . No one understood that because no one had been in that position before . I cried for days ... I wanted to kill myself , I carved "used" into my thigh .. I never felt more disgusting in my life . The cyber bullies told me I wanted that to happen and they would make memes out of my face .. It was horrible . 3 more months later I tell my mom , she flipped out . She wanted to go to court and stuff but I told her no. Because I didn't even want to see his face ever again , and weird thing is after that , he dissapeared I never saw him again. After that say he just vanished .

Thank you for letting me share something personal to me .. Thanks for the support too I really need it . IF THIS EVER HAPPENS TO YOU PLEASE TELL SOMEONE RIGHT AWAY

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