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This is a story of a girl, a girl back in third grade elementary school. She had a lot of friends and hung out with kids in different classes as well, she even decided to join the city cheerleading squad.

That's where it all started.

She met a girl and that for was very kind, they clicked and a friendship began to slowly blossom. They found out they went to the same school and eventually by the fourth grade they had the same class as well. Slowly they began to get more distant as the other girl began to hang out with a new transfer student, leaving the girl all alone. But don't worry, she still had other friends too.

Fifth grade came and she dropped out of cheer due to her no longer feeling comfortable there. She had started getting teased by the same girl who was once her best friend alongside the transfer student the other girl left her for. They began spreading rumors during the middle of third grade about the girl, "She stuffs her bra with so much tissue, it looks so fake." "Did she flunk a grade or what? Is she really that stupid?"

The girl was the youngest in the class.

They talked about the girl as if she was never there, as if they pretended they didn't know she could hear. Now it came to the point where the other girl and the transfer student would push her out of the lunch line, "You're fat enough, why are waiting to get more food?"

The girl never had time to eat in the morning since she was always late to class.

"Fat ass."

"Oink, oink. I think I hear a pig walking by."

"Look at her shoes how long has she had them? Does she not have money?"

"Disgusting, look at her breathe."

"Look at her scarf that food down, no wonder no one likes to be around her."

"Get out of the way, I'm surprised you even fit through the door."

She had enough, she went to her teacher and told her what has been happening and it took her the all her left over courage to do so.

"The other girl? No, she would never do that."

All her hope was crushed within seconds.

"You snitched didn't you, rat?"

"I can't fucking believe a little hood rat like you thinks out teacher would help, you."

The next day she had told her teacher once more, "Well alright, I'll bring them over and we'll all have a talk, okay?"

The teacher never believed the girl from the start.

"Is it true that you are bullying this girl?" "No! Why would I ever do that? That's so dumb, we're just having some fun." "We were only messing around."

"See I told you, she would never do that, try to not take things so serious okay?"

It was all over for the girl, when she got home she saw her mom. Ran to her arms and balled her eyes out. Finally telling her parents what has been going on ever since third grade, the rumors, the teasing, the name calling, and the shoving.

Soon the girl found herself being called out of class along with the other girl and the transfer student.

The girls mom waiting silently next to the other girls mom, and the transfer students parents sitting in the waiting room of the office. The girl and the other girl were said to go inside the Vice Principals office and to sit beside their parent.

The other girl was confronted by the Vice Principal and she denied every single accusation.

Her mom looked just like her.

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