Submission 902

558 5 6

What kind of bullying? 

I experienced verbal bullying at school on the bus.

How old was I? 

I was in eighth grade, thirteen years old.

Who bullied me? 

I didn't even know him until that day, and he just started bullying me.

What did he say or do? 

The day he started bullying me, he was talking about how he was going to punch me in the face and I tried to stand up for myself, so I told him "You think you scare me, that's cute." He said "Yeah, something you're not." I would've let it slide if my friends hadn't been laughing at it too, saying it was a good burn. It only got worse, to where I heard him telling one of his friends that he moved up a seat because "that f*cking b*tch" (me) sat across from him.

How did I feel while being bullied? 

I almost cried, but I wasn't going to give him that satisfaction. I was really hurt by it.

How did I feel after being bullied?

 I was still upset, I didn't want to ride the bus anymore, but I dealt with it, I tried to ignore him, but, no matter what anyone says, words do hurt, and it wasn't easy to shut him out.

Did anything help me cope? 

I went to my friends that didn't ride my bus and talked to them about it. It helped.

Have I ever self-harmed? 

No, but I thought about it. I didn't because I thought about my friends that actually did care about me, and I couldn't Hurt them by hurting myself

Have I ever contemplated suicide?

 No, I couldn't bare to do that to my friends, though I have few, they mean the world to me.

Have I told anyone?

 I told my friends, but I didn't tell my parents.


 I knew my friends would be there to comfort me, and I didn't want my parents to make it worse, which is something I figured mom would accidentally do by getting involved in it.

How log? 

It only lasted about three weeks, before one of my friends forced me to go to the office at school so he would stop.

Am I still being bullied?

 People continue to make fun of me for being a nerd, but I haven't been bullied from that boy since I went and told the office

ADVICE: Don't be afraid to tell someone about it. Chances are, they'll do something to make it stop. Also, if the bullying gets to where you want to self harm, you want to commit suicide, just remember those who care about you. You hurt them just as much as you hurt yourself sometimes.

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