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It all started when I was three years old. I only had one friend, but then she started calling me stupid and ugly. She went to different schools in kindergarten, but that's when people started noticing my eczema. They were uneducated, and they thought that it was contagious. No one wanted to hang out with me anymore. I also went to an after school program. I got bullied by a bunch of 2nd graders. It got so bad that I had to drop out of the program. In first grade, I made another friend, but people also made fun of my name (Lily Potter). One time, this kid asked me "Shouldn't you be dead?" I still remember that. I always will. I started going by Lilith half way through the year. In second grade, my friend and I started drifting apart. I became slightly desperate, and someone pounced on the opportunity. Somehow, she convinced me that I was a fairy. I was literally her servant for the whole year. third grade was great. I made two new friends, and we all had so much fun together. Then, in fourth grade, one of them turned on me. She started glaring and rolling her eyes at me. She wouldn't talk to me, but she was still friends with my other friend. This continued through fifth grade, but she went to a different middle school because of her allergies.

Now I'm in 6th grade. Bullying is so much worse. There are more 7th graders in my first period class (math) than there are 6th graders, and I sit across from one of them. He often steals my pencils and calculator (I'm in pre-algebra, so they're required. I'm not a cheater.). Sometimes, the 7th grader next to me helps him. He's called me a bully, and he's even thrown stuff at me. In second period (choir), I'm always the odd one out. I get teased because of my interests and ignored because I'm not popular. I've also been called a slacker and lame because I like to sing. My 3rd period class (English) isn't too bad. I get teased because of my short hair, but that's it. Then we have lunch. I always sit with my friends, but not all the people in our group are nice to me. One of them will steal my pencil if I where it behind my ear. Another is very rude; always rolling her eyes and making snood remarks. 4th period (gym) is pretty bad. I always change into my uniform in the showers, and there's a girl who tries to steal my clothes. She also hits the shower curtains, which doesn't sound like a lot until you put my anxiety into consideration. I share a locker with that rude friend, and she takes up way more than half the locker, yet she's always complaining about how messy, unorganized, and space hogging I am. Also, once I mentioned that I'm atheist, and she looked at me and asked, "Wait, you aren't Christian?" with a very, very judgmental tone and expression. Finally, I usually have really bad allergies, consisting of asthma, bright red eyes, and constant sneezing. 5th period (computers and technology) is already bad enough, given how NOT tech savvy I am. I also deal with other people shouting and sometimes swearing. There's also a guy who bullies me in that class, but he usually does it in 2nd period. In 6th period (history), my friend (not in my group, but still a good friend) gets bullied more than me. I don't get bullied until I stand up for him. 7th period (advisory a.k.a. homework time) is where the shipping is. I have a male friend who I sometimes talk to, so now we're apparently meant to be together. The guy who started shipping us also steals my pencils and starts tossing them around, making it impossible for me to work. 8th period (science) is actually really great. I only have problems when we need lab partners, in which case I always have whoever else got rejected. Then, I do all the work.

Online, I've been sworn at, called names, made fun of, put to shame for no reason, and told to go kill myself. Lots of cyberbullies...but that doesn't bother me as much as school.

Because of bullying, I have slight depression, anxiety, and stress. I cut and sometimes choke myself for short periods of time, but I know I'll get past this stuff someday.

ADVICE: Getting bullied really hurts. I'm not gonna sugarcoat it. You may never forget the things people say, but you will get through this. As cheesy as this may sound, it's true. It may seem like this will go on forever, but I promise it won't. Stay strong. I know it's hard, but you can do it because you are brave. None of the things these people say are true. I believe in you, and others do too. Good luck!

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