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When I was 7 years old my mom got diagnosed with the very rare liver disease. She had to go to the hospital a lot, that's when it started at school I got bullied a lot I got teased and made fun of cause I had the sick mom I had the bigger mom. My mom started to hit me and denied it ever happened then people at school started to cyber bully me too. I got harassed mean and hurtful words where said and I started to cut. Nobody new or noticed it carried on for years repeatedly when I was 9 I started to drink whenever I could I got annorexia and bulimia people called me fatty ugly loser and those stuck when I turned 10 I started to smoke with my friend and they didn't question it just let me, bruises where clearly visible but nobody looked or cared, I was 11 and started to cut a lot more I tried Suicide many times none of them working when I turned 13 I finally got to go to a new school but someone found out and I got sent to the hospital I was in there 7 months and when I got out people called me the suicidal girl I kept cutting and when back to the hospital again for 3 months and they said if I came back I would be sent out of state, so I didn't tell anyone I had no trust. It's freshman year now I lost my best friend she said we weren't friends anymore so all my friends left and then I got asked to homecoming and I got a bf we now have been dating 21 weeks counting I still get bullied and teased and made fun of, I still cut not as much, I barely ever drink and smoke but that's just as of rn and my mom doesn't hit be that much anymore cause of the hospitalizations 

I have depression






Anyone can message me if they need too I'm here 

My wattpad is chance_not_choice

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