Story 376

407 22 2

I am mixed race (fully asian, just from different areas)(does that count as mixed race?), and my father's side of the family followed the religion of Islam, whilst my mother's followed another. I was brought up into the idea of religion being how you want it, and it should be something to explore on my own, without the pressure of my parents and others, so that's what I have been doing.

However, other children my age found this 'strange', and began to tease and mock at how supposedly little I knew about the religion. That's a lie. I may not be able to quote direct phrases from religious scriptures, but I am able to follow the basics of treating all people the same, and loving everyone equally.

So no, I don't wear a headscarf, or cover my body completely, but surely treating other human beings with dignity and respect is more important?

To everyone who reads this, I hope that you understand that it's okay to go against the crowd, whether it's by religion, beliefs, sexuality, anything.

Just know that beyond the crowd you have been forced into, is millions of others, waiting for a chance.

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